Chap 1: The Interviews

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POV: Ali

"Hi! My name is Ali Peridiam, and I'm about to do a Wired Autocomplete Interview!" I bounced at the music that had been put on in the background. "People ask me all the time if I Google myself, and honestly... sometimes I do. It's weird to see what the internet wants to know about me."

I was handed a board with google searches on it. I peeled the first one off.

"What does Ali Peridiam sing?" I paused, looking at the board. "A few things. Got three full albums out there, plus various soundtracks for movies too. Among many songs in the shower by myself." I laughed softly. I saw one of the producers roll her eyes.

"What does Ali Peridiam do now?" I was confused. "I mean... I do a lot of things? That's a good question, you've confused me, Google."

The whole crew broke down into giggles.

"What does Ali Peridiam drive? I have two cars that I love. A baby blue 1969 Chevy Camaro and a forest green 2020 Tesla Model S."

I tossed the first board and was quickly handed another, peeling the first one.

"Is Ali Peridiam single?" I hesitated for a mere moment, before rolling my eyes. "Is that really the first one? Oh god... why is that the first thing? No. I am not. I have been in a relationship with someone for nearly three years. I love them with all my heart."

The crew stared at me in confusion. No one knew that I was not single. I never actually admitted to anyone publicly that I had a partner.

"Is Ali Peridiam Vegan?" I laughed loudly. "Definitely not. I love steak and bacon way too much."

Question after question, most really basic that are simple yes and no.

"Does Ali Peridiam write her own music?" I nodded. "Yeah, I write a lot of the band's songs, but there are a few that I had nothing to do with. Check the song credits for what song is who's."

Peeling the next one, I laughed. "What does Ali Peridiam tattoo say?"

I rolled my sleeve up and looked at it. "I've got several. My forearm is a memorial for a friend that died a while back, I had a few on my back mostly pictures. There's one on my ribs that says 'You keep me safe'... it matches my older sister. Hers says 'You keep me wild'. I also have this one on my wrist, it's a semicolon. A semicolon represents a sentence the author could've ended but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life."

I shifted on the stool a few times and cleared my throat.

"Did Ali Peridiam go to college? I did. I went to NYU for three years before I signed with my current label. Met a lot of cool people."

"What is Ali Peridiam net worth?" I laughed once more, raking my fingers through my short hair. "Honestly, I don't even know. I have an accountant for that. I have always sucked at math."

I finally got to the last question. "Does Ali Peridiam have a baby? Oh no. I have no children of my own. My partner has a child that I love with all that I am... and that's good enough for me for now."

I quickly tossed the last board and looked directly at the camera. "This has been my Wired Autocomplete interview. Thank you for watching!"

The camera cut and the producers thanked me for coming. I made my way home, knowing I had another interview in just a little bit. I sent my girlfriend a text letting her know that I was home safe and would be leaving once more.

Me: Hey darling, home safe, have Corden soon. Praying for not having to do Spill/Fill.

Darling: Good luck. Spill/Fill is evil.

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