chapter 1

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Arranged marriages weren't uncommon among kingdoms. Oikawa Tooru from Sejoh had also gotten married to Ushijima Wakatoshi from Shiritorizawa for a few years to mend the rivalry between the kingdoms before they filed for a divorce and married Iwazumi Hajime and Tendou Satori respectively.

However, it being a common practice did not make it any less annoying to deal with. Sure it was only a contract for a few years but that didn't mean it didn't feel unfair. Being forced to marry someone wasn't exactly what I had planned for, and especially not with Sakusa Kiyoomi, the prince whose known to be a heartless prick.

I stood up and walked out, bowing slightly at the butlers and maids as I passed while I made my way to the living room where both the King and Queen of Itachiyama and Inarizaki were seated. I opened the door cautiously when my mother called for me to come in. "G'mornin my king and my queen." I bowed, greeting them as I was trained to. They smiled at me, a gesture that had been trained onto them since younger. A set of footsteps were heard behind me before a deep voice echoed through the room, a shiver running down my back. "My King. My Queen." Kiyoomi greeted, bowing. "G'Morning Kiyoomi-san! I hope you and Atsumu have gotten to know each other? Me and your parents have already arranged your wedding for next week. So please, for your time here, make yourself at home." My mother chirped, grinning at us, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

I was leaving Inarizaki. When two princes or princesses from different kingdoms get married, one has to leave their kingdom to live at their other's. It was most commonly the princesses that left but in this case, I was the one leaving. We had chosen to switch it out as well — one year we'd stay at Itachiyama, the other year we'd stay at Inarizaki — it was the best it could get so I grudgingly agreed.

"Tsumu'." The raspy voice of my brother beat against my ear drum, as soon as I turned around, i was engulfed by a warm embrace. We were twins of course, but that did not mean we would have the same body type. Osamu had a more full build, large arms, soft chest, more blocky and slightly taller. Me on the other hand was leaner, thinner arms, small waist, wider hips, smaller stature. I wasn't by any definition, small, but when I was being embraced like this, I really did feel much smaller than I truely was. "M' gonna miss ya. Why's ya gotta be the one ta leave?" His voice was muffled by my collar, head tucked into the crook of my neck of tears slipped from his eyes. It was pitiful. Painful even, to watch his cry, holding onto me for dear life; as if if he left go I'd slip from his grasp.

I returned the hug, arms wrapping around his torso and stroking his hair, shushing his softly. "Shh... Samu' calm down yea? M only gonna be gone fer a year. I negotiated with Sakusa that we'd switch so next year we'll stay here. And I'll make sure to come vist as much as possible. So don't cry yea?" I whispered, voice soft and comforting, almost like how a mother would sooth her child's worries. "That's one year too long." He pouted, turning his head to look at me, eyes glossy and red. I laughed softly, pinching his puffed out cheeks. "Stop cryin. Yer getting uglier!" I exclaimed, from the corner of my eye I saw a small smile break out on his face.

Damn. I'm really gonna miss him.

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