Chapter 9

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The kiyoomi POV weve all been waiting for

The ride was long and boring. Having been to the garden too many times to count, the once breathtaking scenary lost all its beauty in my eyes, having watched it repetitively.

Instead, my eyes wandered to a certain blonde. As he sat by the window, the yellow tint of the sunlight illuminated his sunkissed skin, highlighting his honey coloured eyes that seemed so mesmerised by the tall mountains that stood high and proud. His light hair floated around his face like a halo, framing it like a well-designed frame would an even more beautiful photo. His red lips parted slightly as his shoulders rose and fell slightly while he took breath after breath.

For the life of me i couldnt seem to figure out why he hated me so much. It was the first time we had met besides quick glances at balls. Yet here he was, my husband who seemed to hate me with all his heart soul and mind. As much as i wanted to ask him, i couldnt bring myself to. Im not sure if i would be able to handle hearing the reason after all.

Ive always thought the boy was beautiful. He was an angel in the form of a human, ethereal and outworldly stunning. There always seemed to be a light that followed him wherever he walked, as if angels followed him. His smile was brighter than the brightest sun and before i knew it, his perfect charm had dug its venomous claws into my skin, pulling me in deeper and deeper without me even noticing it.

I just cant tell how he feels. He tells me he hates me. He pushes me away. He glares daggers at me. But there are also moments where he stares so tenderly. Moments where it almost feels like weve known each other since the dawn of time. Those fleeing moments keep me guessing and confused. I wish i could just go into his mind and read him, but he wont let me. He wont let me get too close. He wont let me read his eyes for too long. He wont let me in.

What do you want from me, Atsumu Miya?

But dont worry theyll get there soon 🫶🫶🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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