chapter 2

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The wedding was solemn. A classic really. Only the authorities and higher ups were invited to the wedding. The castles's hall was decorated from head to toe with simple white fandangles that hung from the ceiling. Endless rows of bleachers lined up perfectly, leading to a simple wooden arch structure that had a few doodahs. The setting was simple, classic but yet sophisticated, a formal presence where one could not be casual or relax in.

The females were adorned with beautiful, flowing dresses, some more vibrant than others. Their hair in polished styles that still remained simple but eye catching. Their faces all cakes with makeup, a soft smile never leaving as trained.

The males were clothed in black tuxedos and suits. Hair all gelled back with a shiny finish. An otherwise unnoticeable amount of makeup being powered onto their faces to cover up whatever blemishes they had and make them more presentable.

It felt so.... Fake...? Everyone all dolled up, forced smiles painted into their features, clapping when needed and nothing more. I knew they were not here to witness a marriage. They never did care about the parties involved in the marriage, only attending to preserve their image. This was not how I wanted to get married.

I always dreamt of a day where I would get married. Seeing my wife walk down the aisle, beautiful as the day we met. Face being partially concealed by the translucent vail, white gown loose and flowing nicely around her as she moved. However that was all shattered the moment I was informed about the arrangement.

And so here I was. Walking down the aisle for a man I never knew, surrounded by formalities, being tied down by my title and responsibilities. I wanted to cry. It wasn't my life to live. It was the kingdom's. There was no love. Only tension. No one looked at me like a person. They looked at me like an object that they could trade for their benefit. But what could I do? I was always destined to be the one having to sacrifice for the benefit of our kingdom.

It wasn't fair but it was the system.

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