Chapter 4

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The ride to the Itachiyama palace was every bit what you'd expect. Complete utter silence. Pin drop silence that pierced my ears and rang in my head. The atmosphere suffocating and heavy as it sat on my stiff shoulders. No one looked at each other.

I gazed out of the window, mindlessly watching the passing scenery while silently begging for time to pass more quickly.

"Miya-san." The light, feathery voice of Sakusa Kaho, queen of Itachiyama and Kiyoomi's mother, was the first voice to pierce through the thick air. My head snapped towards her, lips curving to flash a trained smile before responding.

"Yes, my queen?" I prompted, soft smile still gracing my soft cherry lips. "Just call me Kaho-san, please. I would simply like to get to know you better. After all, we didn't converse much before now." She returned my gestures with a smile of her own.

"Ah, I see. Please just call me Atsumu as well since i do have a twin." I said before formally introducing myself again.

For the rest of the ride, I spoke with Kaho-san while the other two males sat in silence, likely spacing out and in their own worlds.

As we approached the castle, the stark difference in design and atmosphere between both castles hit me. While my home was old fashioned, warm tones with carefreeness and love drifting in the air that circulated around the old but well maintained estate, the Itachiyama castle was, well, the opposite to say the least. It's walls were painted a bright industrial white, nearly blinding even. There was a certain stiffness and caution that lingered in the halls. The walls tall and intimidating, looming over everyone who walked through the eerily quiet hallways. The interior was brightly lit yet it still felt so dark. Countless people roamed around on the dull carpeted floors, be it the guards, maids, butlers, ministers or the royal family, but yet it felt so lonely. There was always stiffness that lined everyone's bodies at all times.

"Make yourself at home, dear. Kiyoomi will show you to your room." The soft voice of Kaho felt like a breath of fresh air in the suffocating environment.

The Man I Never Wanted | SakuatsuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang