My Step-Dad (angst)

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tw: angst, abuse, panic attack, crying, suicide (thought) & homophobia
please skip this one shot if your sensitive about any of these topics! (It ends in fluff)

summary: George has an abusive father that hates him. one day George's step father comes home and breaks things, this time dream was there and saw what happened and defended George 

George POV
I woke up feeling warm hands wrapped around me, I looked up and saw clay, he slept over last night because no one was home and he wanted to make sure my stepfather didn't come and hurt me. and my mother was never home, she would go to a club hook up with guys, then go to their houses and sleep there for a couple of nights. I love him, I don't deserve him I smiled to myself and check the clock. It was 7:28am, school starts in 30 minutes.

I got up from clays warm hands and shook him up "clay?" no respond "clay get up, school starts in about 30 minutes, we can't be late again" a few seconds later he responded "no" I looked at him confused "what do you mean no?" "I mean no.... can we not go to school today. I just want to stay in bed and cuddle you.." I sighed. He was to cute for me to not say no "okay... but we're going tomorrow! Deal?" "Deal!"

I opened the TV and grabbed the remote. I then went back to clay and cuddled him. He put on Riverdale! we've been watching riverdale for a couple weeks now, we're on season 2 episode 21.

"Oh my god WHAT?" I shouted "HOW IS HER FATHER THE BLACK HOOD?" I shouted again. Clay just started wheezing.

It was now 10am we've been watching riverdale for the past couple of hours, we heard the door open, me and clay just thought it was my mother so we kept on watching the show.

A few seconds later we heard glass break, I looked up at clay with wide eyes and we both got out of the bed and locked my room door.

"'s my stepdad.." I had tears in my eyes already but didn't want them to fall. "it's fine.. do you want to leave the house and call the cops or do you want up to stay here and make sure he doesn't break anything." I was shaking a lot and he could tell I was stressed he brought me into a converting hug and calmed me down until I was able to talk "can we s-stay here u-un-until the c-cops c-c-come?" I asked he then nodded his head 'yes' and got out his phone, still hugging me he dialed 911, and put him phone to his ear "hi..yes" silent "well someone's in our house and is breaking all of our still" silence "yes.." "okay thank you"

"They said they'll come in under 5 minutes" I nodded

we stayed in the same position until the door got knocked down and revealed my stepdad...


"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. This. House." Clay said to my stepdad.

"NO. What are you gonna do about it"
"You'll see"

Clay then whispered for me to leave the room and stay in a safe place. so I did, I went to the living room having a panic attack while clay and my stepdad fought.

I then heard sirens, the police had come! They knocked on the door, I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out, then they themselves opened the door. 2 of them came to me and helped me calm down and 2 of them went upstairs where they heard a lot of noice.

I calmed down a bit and heard the door open I looked up to see who left the room it was my stepdad with handcuffs and a police man was strolling him to the police car. After a few minutes an ambulance came. All I could think of was why is there an ambulance? did my stepdad hurt clay? where's clay? I need him! what'd I do? why do I have a messy life? Why can't I live my life? why am I such a mess? I hate myself.

The nurse had put clay on a bed and he had passed out, they told me I could also go with him to the hospital so i did.

my eyes hurt me because of how much I've cried. I was in the waiting room waiting for the nurse to tell me when I could go in. This is your fault! Was the only thing that repeat in my head.

About 45 minutes later a nurse came to the waiting room, she said "clay is awake, you can go see him if you'd like." "Yes, is he alright" "yes he's fine, he's gonna have to stay for at least 1 more hours for us to make sure he doesn't pass out again, he did lose a lot of blood.... He says he misses you and wants you to see him" "okay.. is this the room?" "Yes" "alright thank you" "no need!"

I walked in and my heart shattered. He was on the hospital bed and out eyes locked, I ran to him and asked him if I could hug him, clay responded with "of course" we hugged for a little until I asked him "how are you feeling?" "I'm alright" "I'm sorry.. it was my fault.. I shouldn't have brought you in on this mes-" he didn't let me finish, he cut me off "stop blaming yourself.. it's not your fault"

we went home after a couple of hours, we went to clays house instead of mine because it felt safer that way.

We were now cuddling each other and watching modern family in clays room.

"Yes George?"
"I have a question..."
"Well, i just- i dont- i- where- where is my stepfather now?"
"oh, he's in jail for abuse"
"oh, okay"

after a bit I broke off the silence

"thank you clay, you've helped me so much and I can't even repay you it ever. I love you and I'm thankful for you"

"I love you too, we should probably get some sleep!" Clay said while closing the tv at once.

"Yea, goodnight Clay"
"Goodnight georgiee"

Word count:  1100

author note:

no author note.

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