Part 17

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"Don't end up like me, you'll regret it," you thought you heard while being jostled on Gene's shoulder, before feeling the wind on your face.

Opening your eyes while being slung over Gene's shoulder not being able to focus on any of the surroundings at all. With them just being a blur as he ran from the house and through the fields of bushes that surrounded the house. With your head hitting against his shoulder as he jumped over something, knocking you unconscious once again.


Feeling an ache on the side of your head, you opened your eyes slowly. Only seeing darkness outside from the window that you could see from where you were laying. Which was a bed, surprising you considering the last time that he tried taking you, he held you in a basement.

You were going to make it out just like last time, even if he has some knowledge of the powers that you held. You knew you could use your persuasion powers to be able to convince him to stop to be able to allow you time to escape.

"Ah, I see you're awake. Do you feel any different?" he asked as he was leaning against the door frame looking down at you in the darkness.

"No, not at all. I don't understand why you are hellbent on trying to do anything with me at all, considering the last time I was able to leave. What makes you think I won't try that again?" You question, seeing him smile in the darkness.

"Because if I did everything right, then you won't have any powers to use against me anyways," he said as he closed the door to the room quickly before you could even get up. And hearing the lock click a second later.

You narrowed your eyes and looked at the knob.

Whatever he thinks he did, I know it didn't work. This pregnancy has made my powers stronger.

Trying to concentrate on the knob to get it to turn and unlock. Trying to tap into that power you had no idea where it came from. Just that it was brought out in times of intense emotion usually.

Closing your eyes, you tried to think about anything at all. That would make you angry, sad, happy. Anything to spark that power and get the knob to unlock.

Coming back home. Having a somewhat normal life with everyone and being happy. I just want to be happy. Not for a day, a second, but just not having to fear from my life anymore.

Groaning you cracked one of your eyes open and looked at the knob not hearing even an inkling of a click that you had unlocked the door. Sighing you sat back against the headboard of the small framed bed that Gene had put you on. Looking around for anything to use as a weapon. Your eyes go to the window that was closed, as your memories went to the last time you tried in vain to leave a certain house and opted to break the window to leave.

Only difference will be if he catches you, the consequences won't be so enjoyable.

Hopping off the bed, you went towards the window and saw that it in fact wasn't painted shut. Unlocking the old window lock mechanism and pushing the window up to open it. Punching out the screen that fell onto the ground. And moving to sit on the windowsill and looking out into the darkness for any landmarks but couldn't see anything. Stepping over the side, your foot slipped on the ground, feeling the rain that you hadn't heard before overhead that had wet the ground. Causing mud that you slipped in upon exiting the window. Covering your lower half in the brown, wet muck.

Holding your hands out in front of you, you struggled to get up. Having to lean against the side of the house to give you leverage to be able to stand up. Flicking your hands in an attempt to get mud off of them. And turning trying to avoid the big patches of the mud, while trying to get some distance from the house.


Taking out the map that Ace had shown them, Paul leaned against the side of one of Gene's properties they had ransacked in order to find you. Flicking a pencil across the map indicating that they had been through this location, so they wouldn't accidentally double-back wasting more precious time.

"So now what? Where are we going?" Eric asked as he tried to look over Paul's shoulder at the map and opted to lean down and put his head underneath Paul's outstretched arm to get a better look at the map in the darkness.

"There's another one close to here, close to a water source. Makes the most sense to go there next. It's just odd it's a small place, from the looks of it," Paul mused, folding up the map and putting it back in one of the bags they had picked up back at the house that had some blood containers in it. Because they didn't know what they would be walking into and wanted to be prepared. For themselves if they needed it and also if you needed some after whatever horrors Gene had put you through.

"We can run ahead and check more places? Get more off the list?" Ace suggested, as Paul shook his head.

"It would be wiser to stay together, you never know Gene could know about more portals and just use them to ambush us," Paul said as they went off to the next location, running in a pack together in the darkness.


Stopped just mere hundred feet from the small cabin under a tree. Paul took out the map leaning over it to ensure it didn't get wet from the pouring rain. Squinting into the darkness.

"This is the place. It's a cabin, why would he have established himself at a cabin it's so random," Paul said as Eric stopped next to him huffing out air, just as the others had stopped behind the two of them.

Beyond the singular cabin were others that stretched around the lake that looked identical. The one thing that stood out was the smell. This particular one that they stopped at reeked of Gene's scent. And yours as well that was more subtle since you didn't seem to have been there that long.

"She's in there or around here at least, so that's something," Tommy commented trying to sound positive. But they weren't holding their breaths on what they would find once inside.

"We'll scout around, make sure no one else is out here," Ace said as he pushed Peter to follow along with him, before tossing a bottle of the reversal serum to Paul.

"You never know you may need it and we aren't around you know?" Ace added before the duo was gone in a flash, scouting out the surrounding area of the lake.

Paul, Tommy and Eric quietly advanced towards the house, going towards the door and finding that it already was open. Walking in they split up going through the different rooms.

"Looking for y/n? She's not here," Gene said as he walked into the cabin drenched from the rain.

Paul came from another room in a split second, holding Gene up against one of the walls of the cabin. Holding his hand over Gene's throat.

"Where is she?"

Gene squirmed in Paul's hold, smirking down at his old bandmate. Trying to get a breath in, as Paul loosened his hold.

"Out there somewhere. You're going to have to sniff her out yourself Paulie," Gene said as Paul punched Gene in the face then grabbing for the vial, uncorking it as the smirk on Gene's face fell.

"What? What are you doing? What--" he said as Paul shoved the open end of the bottle into Gene's mouth. Paul held Gene's nose and then took the empty bottle out and closed Gene's mouth until he swallowed the substance. Feeling Gene slump against the wall as Paul let go of him and let him fall to the ground. Paul leaves the cabin with Eric and Tommy following behind him. Out into the rainy darkness to look for you.

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