Scene 1

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Our story begins with a Ship landing on a wasted planet named Earth, there's little to see, but we do see a young man dressed in rugged clothes and a holster at his waist he walks to the ruins of a castle. he looks around, and then looks at his datapad on his wrist, looking at the readings on the screen. He then walks over to some rocks and picks up a few and picks up a small package. He says "that was easy." He then sees a blinking light on his datapad and gets tackled by a black hound. He tries to pull out his gun but it slips and gets launched to the otherside of the courtyard. He's able to get the dogs off of him and looks for an available weapon, he sees a sword, it has a golden gleam to it and it calls to him, he picks the sword up and starts fighting the hounds. The sword and the young man work like magic swiftly defeating all of the dogs.

The young man then looks at the sword and he likes the feel of it, then suddenly, the sword talks!

EXCALIBUR: "Hey! You Pulled me out of the stone! You're the New King of Britain! Yay!!!!" the sword throws confetti.

ARTHUR: Our hero is stunned "Huh? Wha-ts happening, I just pulled you out of the stone and now you're telling me I'm the King of Britain, what the hell is Britain?" Our hero is speaking in an English accent which makes it even more ironic.

EXCALIBUR: The sword floats around Our Hero, "Now, what's your name your highness? Wait! Let me guess... Arthur!"

ARTHUR: Our Hero, Arthur, is flabbergasted that the sword knew his name "How did you know?" EXCALIBUR: "Simple!" the sword states "you pulled me out of the stone! Only selected descendants of the Original King Arthur can do so, all of them named Arthur" the sword then floats back to Arthur "Names Excalibur, my last master, back in the 1980s called me Xaiver. By the way, what year is it?"

ARTHUR: "2130"

EXCALIBUR: 2130? It's been over... he quickly calculates 1550 years! Well, we better get started, what thing does this world need me to help fix?

ARTHUR: well, no, the worlds just fine, at least for me, he starts to walk back to his ship


Arther Ignores the sword but allows the sword to follow him back to the ship

Camera starts to pan up and I Want You Back by the Jackson 5 starts to play as the logo shows. The ship flies into the stars from bottom left to top right.

Starting credits play as a montage of the ship flying thru space plays 

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