Scene 2

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After the starting credits the ship is shown flying into a space station to get fuel, some fuel bots hook the ship up to the fuel line and fill up the fuel tank. Arthur and Excalibur are talking on the ship

ARTHUR: "So you're saying, I'm a descendant of a great king named Arthur who wielded you in battle, and after that descendants of Arthur wielded you to help the world?


ARTHUR: Man, I've been flying around this Universe for years, and I've seen some pretty crazy stuff, but I've never seen a talking sword!

EXCALIBUR: Well, there's a first time for everything. By the way, what's your story?

ARTHUR: I'd rather not talk about that


ARTHUR: no I'm- there's a knock on the blast door, Arthur walks to the door and opens it Hello! How can I help you?

A small old man walks in, he's dressed in ragged clothes and looks alot like Danny Davito. His name is Merlin

MERLIN: Hello Arthur! My name's Merlin the 30th and I am here about the sword. He looks behind Arthur and sees Excalibur and burst right through Arthur and looks at the sword


EXCALIBUR: O-ho ho hello there!

MERLIN: Ah yes, Excalibur. You pulled this out of the stone, yes?

ARTHUR: Yeah and give me back my sword! He lunges for the sword

MERLIN: He moves it away and keeps looking at it, Arthur waits for about a minute and then Merlin gives the sword back,

ARTHUR: Why the hell are you on my ship?

MERLIN: to help you?

ARTHUR: I don't need help, I got a magical sword

MERLIN: Yeah that's what all heroes say, look at Jarbe the Great. I tried to help him in the battle of Outpost 303 and look what happened to him, pointing to some floating space junk outside the station. You might want a Wizard on your side, especially during the start of your journey.

ARTHUR: Ok I get what you're saying, but you will need to pay full rent plus pay a monthly fee for food.


ARTHUR: Ok Excalibur, can you prep the warp drive like i showed you?

EXCALIBUR: Got it sir! He runs of to a separate room,

ARTHUR: Arther flies out of the ship and launches into warps to the next planet

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