Scene 3

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Hello all, Devan Here! 

Just a few notes before we start!

I am in need of ideas for aliens. so if you have one, please message me or comment down bellow

One last thing, please vote, follow, and share. I want  this story to get to as many people as possible, and the best way to do this is by Voting following and sharing.

thank you all once again for reading!

The ship flies into orbit of an underworld planet called Vorta. A hive of scum and villainy. The world is mostly full of cantinas and bars. Arthurs ship, called Canterlot, (author note: I forgot to mention the name of Arthur's ship before) lands on the planet. Arthur grabs Excalibur and puts him in sheath and says to Merlin "I'm going out for business, stay here... And DON'T touch ANYTHING."

MERLIN: Alright

Arthur walks out, and starts to walk down a bustling marketplace as YMCA starts to play

Young man, there's no need to feel down

I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground

I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town

There's no need to be unhappy

Arthur walks past a fruit store with exotic fruits laying out, there's signs on a lot of the stores saying "Certified by the Company Company" those stores seem to be getting the most traffic. While stores that dont have the sign have much less traffic

It's fun to stay at the YMCA

It's fun to stay at the YMCA

They have everything for you men to enjoy

You can hang out with all the boys

It's fun to stay at the YMCA

It's fun to stay at the YMCA

You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal

You can do whatever you feel

Arthur walks into a cantina as the song ends. He sits down with a middle aged alien, with gills a more aquatic look, kinda like a Zora from legend of zelda, but a little bit more fat. Arthur hands over the sack that he got on earth, and Alien hands over some Company Cash, the main currency of the Company Company. Arthur looks at the cash, and says "What, Company Cash, I thought I was getting Canter Credits!

ALIEN: Sorry kid, the Company Company sweeped in here while you were gone. You can head to the Cantor System to exchange it though.

ARTHUR: he takes the cash reluctantly and heads to a different table where a young man, about Arthurs age sits there, his name is Lancelot, but most people call him Lance

ARTHUR: Hey Lance, can you transfer these Company cash to Canter Credits?

LANCE: Sorry Arthur, I can't. It's forbidden around here now, with strict prohibitions.

ARTHUR: Come on Lance, you're the greatest con man of all time! What do you mean you won't do it?

LANCE: Look I'm sorry, I can't. I'm actually moving to the Canter system soon. Speaking of that can you take me there?

ARTHUR: I don't know, my ship is kinda full right now.

LANCE: Come on Arthur, I'll transfer your credits with no interest once we get to Canter

ARTHUR: Oh, Ok. Yeah, you can come with us.

LANCE: Great!

Arthur and Lance then walk out of the cantina and heads back to the ship, Merlin greats them at the door of the Canterlot

MERLIN: Did you do the business that you came here for?

ARTHUR: Yes, and my good friend Lance will be coming with us to the Canter System

At this moment Excalibur flies out of the sheath, with Lance having a flabbergasted look on his face,

LANCE: You got a sword!?! And a Techy one nonetheless, i alway thought you were a gun guy?

ARTHUR: Well, technology catches up pretty fast nowadays.

MERLIN: Well, we should get going, Canters a long way from here.

ARTHUR: Lance, I'll show you where you will be staying. Excalibur and Merlin, you know what to do.

EXCALIBUR: Aye Aye Captain

They all enter the ship

End Scene

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