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here we are now, entertain us

einstein, one of the many genius' of the world, once put his mind to work and announced that, 'time flies by when you're having fun.' and even though there has been no solid evidence to prove that this theory is correct, alex would agree it was.

he could agree, as he was feeling the exact opposite.

he was not having fun, and his first week at sixth form had dragged.

nothing much had happened really over the course of five days, other than the fact he was blessed with a huge stack of homework to complete over the weekend. 'huge stack,' was an exaggeration, though. it was more like a few terms to define, and a bit of reading for his english class to complete, so all in all he was just being dramatic.

alex had hardly spoken to harlow grace since their last interaction in the corridors, which was odd as he sat beside the girl in his favourite subject.

the only proper conversation they really had, was about the actual lesson and that alone didn't last long.

however, he did often wonder about what she had said to him though, 'this world is too little for big minds. we shouldn't be restricted to one life, you know. we should live many and decide which we prefer.'

there was a question that had gone through his mind whenever it brought him back to this small speech. in fact there was many but one stood out the most:

why would someone want to live more than one life?

surely one life is enough. you breath, eat, drink, laugh, love, and fall asleep until one day you won't open your eyes ever again.

so why would she believe that more than one life she be lived? isn't this one enough?

on this saturday in september, alex had spent his time during the day committing to the 'huge stack' of homework he was given. his procrastination being the reason as to why he was still sat at his desk now at eight pm, his homework yet to be finished.

a lot of things distracted him when it came to doing things he didn't want to do, and when matt rung his phone, he knew that his procrastination would lead him to having to complete his homework tomorrow.

"hello," alex spoke into the phone, that was pressed against his right ear.

"we're going to a party at valerie's."

"hello to you too."

the sound of matt sighing met alex's ears, "hi."

"we're going now?"

"yes, now, i'm outside. jamie and nick are already there."

"didn't give me much bloody notice, did you, mate?"

there was a pause on the other side of the phone, "i know, i'm sorry. she just planned it and got word out today, and i'm just...i've got a lot on my mind."

matt sounded worried. actually he sounded terrified, and this only caused concern in alex, "what's up?"

"come outside, and i'll tell you."

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