chapter 1

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Death. I was never afraid of it.
Why should i be scared of something that will happen' no matter what?
It's not a matter of if i die it a matter of when i die.

I am now sitting in the end of a cliff thinking about my death. Was it going to be quick? Painful? Was i going to die on my sleep? In a car accident? What if someone killed me?

You never now and never will.

I grab the bottle of bear and take a swing listening to the wind. Today was one of those days were i was fighting my inner demons. The school year starts tomorrow and i am going to collage and i am left wondering what's the point.

What if i don't make friends? What if everyone hates me? I am so pathetic i swear. I take another gulp of my bear and realized it's empty. Fuck. I don't think i thought this through. I mean drinking 3 bears at 5 am with my car parked at the end of a cliff? How the fuck will i go home?

I stood up and started kicking everything that was avaible,i can't fucking drive drunk and i have no one to call!

Someone cleared their throat behind me and i jumped, i was now 3 feets from the end of a cliff. Should i just jump?

"Please don't tell me you want to jump?" The voice was male obviously i turned and saw him, not clearly it was dark but i could see the worried eyes looking at me

"I uh no, no i am not" i said "yet" i whispered

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"What are you doing here?" I asked back. "I don't remeber you being my daddy"

He looked at me, then at the empty bottles of bear and then back at me.

"Do you have someone to take you home clearly you can't drive ?"

"No i'll just sleep in my car untill the alcohol is gone i guees" i don't know why i tell i stranger i am going to stay here but i blame it on the alcohol 'duhh'

"I can drive you if you want"
I looked at him suspiciously but in this state of mind i couldn't say no

"Okey" i whispered

"We can take your car so you won't have to come back here to take it i'll go home with a taxi, is that okey?"

"Yeah thanks sorry for the trouble if you don't want to drive me home it's okey, really"

"Nonsense you are drunk and it's late come on"

I gave him my keys and told him my address, i got to the passenger seat and looked at the window.

When did my life became such a mess? What is wrong with me? Why can't i be normal? I am 18 years old and i have no clue what i wanna do in life except from the fact that i LOVE music. It's like i can feel my emotions threw it, what emotions i can't describe music makes it easier. Music helps, a lot. If i didn't have music i don't know where i would be now
Probably dead. Yeah probably

At 20 minutes we arrived at my apartment. It was empty i was moving in collage dorms tommorow. Lucky me

"Thank you, i really appreciate it my name is alex"

"It's fine i didn't have the heart to leave you there, manthos"

He exit my car and called a taxi he waited in front of my house untill i went inside to make sure i was in.

He is really cute




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