chapter 6

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Alex's pov

Do you know the feeling when you just don't know what to do with yourself ? When the guilt is too much for you to bare? When something that wasn't in your control feels like your fault?

It's been a week since i received the call from my dad and i haven't left my room since.

Only for the necessary which is classes.

My life might be a mess but since i am still here i should pay attention to class.

So for a week i am locked up in my bed.

For a week i eat only a protein bar a day.

For a week i vomit my guts out

For a week i debate if i should just take the fucking pills already.

I also missed the party my roomate was talking about. She was determine to get me to go but i was determine on staying home.

I won.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. I went to open and saw manthos there.

I honestly don't know why he cares so much. We've only known each other for what? 3 days? And he is acting like a brother.

"Hello, hello you are still alive i see, you got me worried a bit" he said "sweetheart you look like shit what happened?" Now he was worried. Great.

"I am fin--" bile started rising to my throat and before i could finish i bolted to the bathroom to vomit.

If i was sexually active i would think i was pregnant.

Maybe am.

Maybe i am virgin mary vol 2

Without the virgin

You get what i saying tho? I haven't had sex with a man in a year, it would be a weird to be pregnant.

I was still vomiting entirely forgetting that manthos was in the room with me untill i felt a tug in my hair.

He held my hair while i was vomiting

Mantho's pov

It's been a week or so since i last saw alex, i was a bit worried. Especially when i saw john with tears in his eyes and when i asked him what happened he shrugged it off and left but not before telling me to tell alex to text him.

When i got to her room and saw the bags under her eyes, her hair in a messy bun and the fact that she lost weight got me even more worried.

How can someone loose weight in a week? It was pretty clear that she lost some.

So here i am now holding her hair while she is vomiting.

I don't know why i care about her so much even tho i don't really know her.

She just reminds me of her.

I can't help but feel protective over her. As a brother not romantically.

After she stopped she turned to face me. She had tears in her eyes and looked tired.

"Thanks" she whispered and got up but instantly fell back down

What the fuck?

She tried again, this time successfully and went to brush her teeth.

I got outside the bathroom to let her be.

"Are you okey? Do you want to go to a hospital?"

"No no it's okey, it's the baby"

My eyes winded at her statement

"B-baby? Weren't you high last week? How could you? You were drunk too. Omg omg we have to go to the hospital who is the dad? Does the baby have a dad ? What am i saying of course it does. Are you going to abor----"

"Woah boy woah, i was just joking. There's no baby, no baby daddy, not abortion i was just joking jeez" she rolled her eyes

Well that's a relief i guess she is 18 , she is too young for a baby.

The door opened and john came in with a worried face. He didn't seem to notice me as he was glaring daggers to alex.

"You cocksucking,crazy, idiotic bitch. I thought you died. What the fuck was that? Who called? Why do you have bags under your eyes and why do yous seem like you just vomited your guts out?" He said "wait don't tell me you did?! Alex you promised!" He yelled

"John you must calm down i--"

"Don't tell me to calm down alex, if you were in my place you would too. Do you want to go to the hospital again? Rehab? Or maybe should i just stay with you untill you die? Oh wait that won't be long will it? Tell me when are planning on it? You didn't even have an attempt this month--" he cut himself and his eyes winded as he stared at my now winded eyes.

I stared at alex who was so angry she looked like she could kill a person

And i am left wondering

What the fuck is he talking about?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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