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Like every story I always make a introduction.

Here's a list of the tics I know I have;

-making creaky door noises
-telling myself no
-hitting things
-pointing at things and saying "YOU" or "Loooookkkk"
-cracking my neck
-throwing things (especially my phone and pencil)
-random sentences (it don't make sense, it's like auto correct but making sentences)
-yelling cat (when I see my cat)

That's all I can remember right now.

If it's a funny episode of what happened then don't be afraid to laugh but if it was a "I wish I didn't" sorta situation please don't laugh.

That's really all I wanted to say (as I have the tic to throw my phone).

OH! And also, I might call tics 'flinches' because that's what I've been calling it.

There shouldn't be any trigger warnings or anything like that. There will be capital words and that but nothing that bad.

Thank you for reading this!


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