Chapter 29:Common Affair

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I went to the police station where our next mission's police officer who would guide us is stationed,I asked him a few thing about the case since we still need to Identify if it's murder or suicide.

And after I got the information I needed I left and about to go home when someone familiar was caught on the corner of my eye.

It was Holme's boyfriend with his brother as far as I remembered the smaller guy with glasses is Rindo and the taller with braid is Ran.

They're with 2 girls.They're both talking to the girls.

Is that their friends?or Cousins?does Kaori know anything about this? Well I don't really wanna mendel with personal things like this.

And also I heard that this Brother's are famous here at Roppongi,What was it?Haitani Brothers?

I walked away since it's none of my business.

"Rindo are you sure? you have a girlfriend right?" The girl who was talking to Rindo said in a flirty tone,I tilted my head in their direction and saw Rindo leaning to the girl's forehead and their lips are centimeters away from kissing.

And when Rindo was about to kiss her Ran pulled him away,I was kinda relieved.

"Rindo stop right there" He said but Rindo didn't reply and just shrugged his shoulder and they both waved goodbye to the two girls.

I tried to overhear what they're saying more but they're meters away from me so I couldn't hear them properly.

I walked away and tried to forget what I saw but my foot brought me to the dorms at our school instead of my real home.

I don't really wanna mendel with someone else's life specially when it's Kaori's since we'll just probably have a deduction brawl.

But in the end I told Megumi to send our team a meeting sched after dinner so I could have a reason to tell her about what I saw.

Talking as a rival it's unpleasant to see a rival who have a talent and is always impressive to have a boyfriend who's not even her level and yet had the heart to cheat.

But in the end she didn't listen to me and just walked away,I didn't bother chasing her because I thought she needs to process what I said but seeing her reaction along with what she said,does she know something?

And today at our case she just acted normal though hitting people isn't really considered normal for outsiders.

"Man aren't we getting a little to much case about suicides?" Megumi said and Akari agreed with him.

"Well we can't really do anything about that" Kaori replied.

We planned on eating first before sending our report to the Club head.

"Akari please supervise Aoi because I think I won't be able to watch over her with cases and school works together"

"We'll Ofcourse! Aoi's easy to learn so it wouldn't be hard teaching her"

We all become quite when our foods arrived,I glanced at Kaori who's already looking at me and her face is her usual surprisingly but she's sending a morse code through her blinks.

'Don't you dare tell anyone you saw,I'll kill you if you try to make me one of your plots for world domination'

Then for her last blink she glared at me,I looked away and went back to eating and it's not like this is one of my plots for world domination it's his boyfriend's fault and also why does she look unbothered?That just fuel up my suspicions!

It seemed that Megumi noticed us talking to each other because he exchanged his glance to both of us curiously.

"What are you looking at Adlerian? Want me to pull you eyes out?" Kaori glared at him making him touch his eyes.

After that,We each went back to our respective Houses since our work will be much more with our club,house and upcoming school works.


"We're gathering at the main campus with the regular class so we won't be wearing out Haori and Suspenders" I told Aoi who went to our house dorm just to get ready with me.

She removed her Haori and suspenders "I was kinda hooked at my haori" She said smiling.

"I'm really exited nee-san I can't believe i'm really a QED student" She said while fake crying,We went down stairs and everyone seemed to be outside now.

"Aoi we'll continue later get back to you house and get in line" I told her and patted her head she nodded and went running to their line.

Our House leader is infront leading the crowd of Holmians.She signaled that we'll be going now and moved forward.Also in this type of occasion where QED course and Regular class is together House leaders are shall be the only one to wear our Houses Haori to represent us.

We rushed into the Main campus where most of the students are already there.Our house leaders went up to start up the ceremony and as soon as we finished the opening ceremony at the main campus we all rushed again back to the QED course and wore our suspenders along with the Haori.

"Jeez I just hope they'll let us wear the Haori's and suspenders after all of the opening ceremony" Shota protested.

"Nope they should just remove the opening ceremony of QED course" Mina protested too I just shook my head laughingly.

Once all of the houses gathered at the main campus along with our house crests the house council placed the crests at the top of our line.

"This is so dramatic" I commented and immediately saw my co-housemates nodded.

Once all the preparations were done the house leaders were introduced,Once again.

"From the house of Watsons,Agatsuma Hana"

"From the house of Adlers,Ken Watsubi"

"From the house of Holmes,Kocho Hirai"

"From the house of Moriarty,Hoshi Haiba"

The 4 leader stood high infront of all QED students as they were presented.

"All hail the house leaders" The mc said and the crowd becomes loud and started cheering for their house leaders.

"This is so really dramatic" Mina said them leaned at my back "We'll get used to it" She added.

"Ha!I won't" I replied I felt her chuckle from my back.

After that we went back to our houses since at QED course after all of the ceremony there would be house meetings,First day is always the busy day and our classes would start at 10 am to 7 pm but we'll be slapped by the tons of homework.

And at evening I received texts from Rindo that I didn't got to seen earlier since I was very busy and i'll just take a peek at his messages now since i'll just be doing my homework.

Are you busy?It's ok if you're just take it easy.

Oh yeah don't forget to eat your meals,I didn't wanna disturb you but it almost slipped my mind.

Are your classes finished?

I replied to him.

I was busy earlier from the opening ceremony and I also ate my meals also our classes ended already but now I have mountains of work.

I looked at my papers that is piled up beside my table I took down my phone and arranged them based on their due dates.

I sat on the chair,took a deep breath before answering them one by one.

Sheeesh just as I though many would skip this Jhahwkwhwkwhwjwhw

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