Chapter 60:Auction Pt2

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"Hey Kaori I haven't seen Aoi since morning where did she go?" Ran whispered.

Akihiro clocked his tounge "Refrain from talking non sense the Auction is starting" He said in mono tone,Kaori shook her head "It's alright,I asked her to do things for me she's just around here"

They then paid attebtion to the anouncer who's now pointing his hands on the crowd as the biding number goes up.

"5 Million Dollars!" A man with rowdy voice broke the noisy crowd with the sudden jump of numbers from 100 thousand dollars to 5 Million.

It started murmuring in the crowd Bishu who's disguised as Rindo whispered to Kaori "That man is from Tatus Tech they develope current gadgets and they are allianced with China's goverment"

Kaori nodded and alightly glanced at the man 'Tetus tech Ceo's secretary?What's its name again?Rody Piu?No wonder"

The item then became his for no one went higher.

"What's so good about a glove used to clean up a murder scene?" Ran asked.

"It could use for several things like do a random test on the gloves and steal the dna of the user or figure out what kind of things were in the scene" Kaori answered.

Next was a knife and bullet the announcer said it was used to kill the king of sweden's assistant,It was supposed to be for the king but the assasination failed only killing its assistant.

A few minutes later it was then sold for 10 million dollars.

It was a few more items until the diamond was finally presented.

"Here is a pink diamond wored by the previous Queen of United Kingdom that was reported stolen long before the current Queen took over and it was then found out given to Don Pablo the greatest druglord from Colombia!And he gifted it to his mistress!"

The audience was amused but it if you're one of the VIP's you shoud've known already about the diamond since most of unknown or undiscovered truth by the goverment are mostly known by everyone in this room.

No one even dares to leak anything since the management of the auction would track down everyone in this very room and make sure to catch the mole.

Though Ran felt a bit tense since their goal item is right infornt of their eyes and it could get stolen if they don't have enough money.

"Prepare Choso-san" Akihiro instructed,Choso nodded and glanced at Kaori who also gave him a nod.

Ran stared at them "Oh yeah I forgot to ask what's our budget?"

They all smirked including Kaori "You'd find out so listen clostly"

As soon as the intriduction was done everyone prepared for the starting price.

"The starting price of this Diamon will be...50 Million Dollars!"

As soon as the announcer said that one immidietly raised its hand and shouted.

"60 Million!"

The next onces didn't let em selve get bethroaned and shouted numbers higher that the previous onces.

The bidding took quite a minutes till it was immidiately went to half a billion.

"500 million dollars!" The crowd was stunned when again the man from Tatus Tech again raised its hand for another jifty price.

"That guys hella rich huh?" One in the crown said.

Ran was slightly worried "Why aren't you guys saying anything yet?The price is almost a Billion now,Can you still afford it?"

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