Ch. 3

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Mitch's POV

I was on a glass chamber, getting ready to go in the hunger games. I was scared. Was I going to die? We're my family watching? Was Jessica watching? You know, to be honest I don't really like Jessica. I'm kind of glad I got picked. I didn't want to stay there with her.
The glass chamber started to rise. As soon as you know it, we were standing there. All 24 tributes. I looked around and I saw one of my enemy. His name was Kenny Ibarra. We were enemies ever since I could remember. Well after he left our district I was happy.
"30 Seconds remain."
I was preparing myself. Remember what dad taught you, Mitch, I thought.
And we were released. I felt my heart rate rise a little when everyone went running to the chest. So did I. I opened a chest and found 2 pieces of bread and a wooden sword. I ran off into the jungle. I looked behind to see if I wasn't being followed. I walked and found another chest. There was a iron helmet, 9 enchanted bottles, and a stone sword.


I was walking, with my alert on. It was night time. It was all silent. All of a sudden I got tackled by this creature. He was so furry. I looked straight into his eyes. They were so beautiful. He had a stone axe to my neck. I surely knew it was the end right there. He looked in my eyes. It was like we connected. I was trying to push him off. Success! I made him roll over and I started to walk away. I could tell he wasn't a threat. He was just a weakling like the others. Probably.
"Wait, Mitch"
I slowly turned around and said,"How do you know my name?"
"We were friends when we were little, but then I got transferred to district 10." He answered.
"J-Jerome?" I said curiously.
He nodes and spread his arm out for a hug. I ran into his arms and I started to hug him.
"I missed you so much, Jerome!" I said, sniffling
"As for I"
We both walked for hours and we finally found a place to camp for the night.

~Love me to the end~   //A merome story//Where stories live. Discover now