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⚠️Cursing ⚠️

George woke up with a start, one of those dreams again the weird ones where he could only remember parts that had this green best friend in it but it was weird. No don't think about it George thought as he tried to block it out of his mind. He decided that getting up and getting ready was better than what he'd usually do, which was go back to sleep, he didn't want the dreams to continue. So when he was done getting dressed and washing his face he went into his shared living room to see Karl reading one of his history books since he was studying to become a History teacher. Karl and George were roommates because they went to the same college and had around the same schedule so they just agreed that it would be good if they lived together, also Karl hadn't been doing good mentally and Sapnap and Dream also thought that it wouldn't be the best if he lived alone. George stumbled over to the fridge tripping over the carpet on his way there, the noise made Karl look up from his book.

"Yo Hi George!"Karl said with surprise in his voice.

"Isn't this a bit early for you? Thought you made a pact with yourself to never wake up before eight. You're a minute early."

George glanced at his phone


"Fuck off." He said with a huff.

George reached into the fridge to grab his leftover food from last night. When he found it he unraveled the tinfoil and put his breakfast into the microwave. He looked over at his friend Karl who was packing his bag in a haste.

"Where are you going?" George asked.

"Oh, sapnap invited me to a picnic," Karl said with a flustered face.

"Ooooo just you and him? What, is it a date?"

"No!" Karl defended quickly then he added "Dreams gonna be there."

George stopped feeling the need to tease Karl, he could feel his face burning up and his words were lost.

"Dreams gonna be there?" George asked his face going from a light pink to a bright red.

"Yeah..." Karl answered with a pause. "You wanna see your man?"

"He is not mY mAn." George snapped back "we're just friends-.."

George stopped talking his thoughts stopping him, were they just friends? Where are they? The constant joking and flirtatious comments that dream makes to him daily throws George off, he can't figure out if he's being real or not. And his dreams-

"George?" Karl's voice ram threw George's head cutting his thoughts off "you gonna come or not? Sap said you can come."

"Yeah- .. yeah" George answered trying to cover up his stuttering with an annoyed look at Karl "of course I'm coming, don't wanna leave you and sapnap alone."

"Shut up you don't get to talk mr.dnf"

"Uh" George gasped, playing like he was insulted. "Rude."

"Ha I win." Karl bragged. "Now grab your shit we're leaving."

" yeah yeah I'm coming, wait up" George said as we collected his bag, wallet, car keys and a book.

George stumbled down the stairs from his porch and into his car and plugged in his keys to start his car.

"Who's the one who needs to hurry now?" He teased as Karl stepped into his car and sat down, his overgrown brown hair bouncing over his eyes.

"Shut up." Karl teased.

George started the car engine and started to pull out of his driveway to the park for their picnic.



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