Chapter 40

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Ian's POV

"Hey man" Zach waved at me from the bar.

The address Zach sent me was a new club that opened recently.

I got an email for an invitation for the opening of the club but who has time for those shit.

I went to him. He was dressed in his classic. White t-shirt and jeans.

He hugged me and gave me a manly pat on the shoulder.

"So mate, how have you been" Zach said waving at the bartender to come here.

"Nothing much. Well let me tell you everything"

*Woah. I never knew Ian. You have loved a girl so much before. Well I always knew that deep down you have a pure heart. But bella. Wow god always reunites true love." Zach said with a genuine smile on his face.

"So let's make a toast on this" Zach said lifting his glass of neat whiskey with his famous smirk.

I toasted back.

Suddenly the music had stopped. A lot of people were circling the middle of the club.

"Looks like someone got in trouble." Zach suddenly said.

I nodded. "Let's look into there"

With that we rushed to the crowd.

"Hey leave me you shithead" a familiar voice shouted, making me shiver.

Bella…. What the

I quickly shoved people away to get into the crowd.

I saw a tall lean man. Holding a familiar golden haired girl. But not just any girl. My girl. Mi amor. Mi reina.

I saw nothing but red. My bella was struggling to set free her hand, which the motherfucker was holding.

My hand met straight to his nose with a cracking noise.

1 broken nose. More to go.

I quickly got on the top of the bastard so that he couldn't get away.

Woah bastard wait for my gifts. You have more to receive.

Each blow on his face was like a gift for my hands which was itching to kill him.

"You fucking piece of shit" I yelled.

No one touches my queen. No fucking one.

My hand was on fire. Because every punch I threw at the bastard was harder than the former.

I can hear voices around me. But I was in a haze.

Suddenly some uniformed man came and took that sleazeball away.

I was mad. Mad as hell. At my bella. She decided to come here and party without informing me. What if something happened to her and I was not here. Heck even Dave wasn't here to save her.

Just the thought of something happening to her makes my body shiver in fear.

Suddenly a man came to me "Sir. We're extremely sorry that this happened to you. Mr. George is extremely upset about today's incident. He'll contact you. Please don't sue us" the man pleaded. Hell no. I'm sueing this bloody club.

"You shut up. Don't talk to me. I'll talk to Mr. George. Now get lost." The man was fast on his heels.

Zach was holding Lana. He took her home.

Mi bella was looking worried at me. She looked quite frantic. But also a little afraid.

I know, baby.

You're afraid of what will happen now. You've been a bad girl.

You will face some punishment.

I turned to her with my smirk. "Mi bella you'll be punished today for the stunt you've just pulled" her eyes widened at my words.

Isabella POV

Ian drived very fast. I know it's not good to drive with liquor in your stomach but Ian was stable.

His words rang in my head sending shivers down my spine.

I was a little scared as well as excited. This thrill was amazing.

Soon we reached his house. He quickly got out and reached my side to open my door.

The moment my feet touched the ground I was carried away from the ground by a beast. Well my beast.

Ian carried me in a bridal style, taking long strides to the door of the house.

Someone's getting impatient. I smiled.

He opened the door. Not wasting a moment he rushed to the bedroom, carrying me in his arms.

With a thud, Ian opened the bedroom door.

With long strides he kind of threw me on the bed. My body bounced on his fluffy bed as he threw me.

I took a deep breath. All kinds of dirty thoughts rushed in my mind.

Moments of that night flooded in my head.

My cheeks reddened thinking about that.

I looked at him. His eyes were intense. His deep grey orbs gleamed of mischiefness. His eyes showed a lot of emotions.

He was angry, he was worried, his eyes showed that he was going to punish me but with his love.

He put his knee on the bed and leaned above me.

His nose was brushing my ear. I took a deep breath. His spicy cologne hit my nostrils. Oh my goodness.

Why was he so hot and sexy?

I just want to grab his neck and kiss him senselessly. I want to take off his bloody t shirt and run my hands on his abs.

My hands sneaked on his waist. He was quick to hold my hands.

"Not today babygirl. Today I'll do and you'll see" with that he pulled himself away from me.

My face flushed. My body is sweating. Damn him. He got me so worked up.

He went to his closet and opened it.

I was just lying on his bed. Thinking about what he is up to.

He came back with something in his hand.

"Take off your dress mi bella." His husky voice melted me down there.

I was quick to follow his words. I took off my dress and threw it somewhere in the room I don't know and I don't care about that. I'll buy Lana another dress.

Now I was only in my black lacy lingerie.

His eyes raked my body from top to bottom. His eyes were now dark grey. Different from the usual.

He took off his shirt too. As he was looking me. I took his beauty with my eyes.

I greedily looked at his chest then his abs then his.

I can see a bulge on his pants. I blushed and looked away from him. He seemed to notice my action because he laughed.

Damn him. Now I was embarrassed.

I looked away. Suddenly a pair of hands gently grabbed my face. Ian faced me towards him.

He smashed his lips against mine. His tongue working in my mouth. Moving simultaneously.  Our lips are syncing together like a melody.

And the whole night changed into a dreamy passionate night in the arms of the love of my life.

Another part of PMEW is out

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