Chapter 15

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Zach practically dragged me to the  grand foyer of
the mansion. Which was adorned in a big golden gems dripping chandelier.

While everyone watching us with curious gazes. He took two flutes filled with bubbly liquid.

He took a spoon from the table where the appetiser were kept.

“First of all. You might know the reason you have come here.

Well I’m Zach Mendes and this is my acquaintance Isabelle Miller. Well first of all thank you for lending me your ears and concentration.” He stopped while loud sound of laughter came from the crowd has gathered in front of us.

He looked at me and I grinned. I know I said I would be nervous but actually it’s nice.

“Well I’m here for a purpose. My best friend handed me an important task. Which at first I denied. Because I suck at this. But I had no choice.

My best friend is getting married. Well it’s kinda hard to believe. But hey I’m happy for ya pal.

Claire I wish you all the best for future and good luck because you are gonna need that. That man is really stubborn.

So now I want to invite the culprit who had done the crime. But I would like if Isabelle spoke a few words. Because it would a bit of rude if I didn’t” he said.

I glared at him. I wasn’t supposed to say anything. That wasn’t the deal. That evil.

He just smirked. Now all the attention seeker of the guests are at me. Great.

I must look like a fool. I have to speak something now.
“Good evening ladies and gentleman. I came across little bit of off guard because I wasn’t suppose to give a speech.

Well I want wish you both a happy couple life. May you guys love and cherish each other forever”

“Well you heard the lady guys. Now I want to invite my best friend and her fiancé here.” He said.

Ian and Claire came walking here holding hands. No, no, no, no.

Please god. Don’t let that happen what am I thinking.
Please don’t.

Ian came in front of me. He locked his gaze with mine. He walked slowly. He stood beside me. While Claire stood beside Zach.

Maybe he is a ring bearer. Maybe he is Claire’s brother.

“Well Zach that was quite a thing that you called speech” he said and the crowd growled in laughter.

“And Ms. Miller thank you for the wonderful words” he looked at me with no trace of smile.
“Shut up Ian. Now I’m announcing the engagement of my best friends engagement to the world. Now ladies and gentlemen raise your glasses and wish Ian and Claire for the beginning of a and eternity.” Zach said.

Which followed by a loud cheer from the crowd. Another sound followed which was a crash silencing the lodge cheer.

Everyone looked at me. I looked down and the tiny pieces of glasses lying around my feet. I still don’t know what’s happening around me. I guess I dropped the glass but glass is nothing because a series of bombs are dropping on me one by one. I can't see anything. My vision is getting darker. My eyes is burning with hot tears.

I looked at Ian aka Mr. Rodriguez who was already staring at me. Locking his gaze with mine. He pulled Claire and crashed his lips on her.

My body was stiff, my breathing stopped and my mind went mia. Tears threatened to spill. I quickly closed my eyes in intention that it doesn’t fall from my eyes.

But a traitor drop fell down from my eyes. I turned around and quickly wiped it hoping no one say that.

I turned around only to see that they were still sucking each other’s face stabbing my heart repeatedly.
Zach came from behind his breathe on my ear “Let’s give them some privacy.”
I turned to him and flashed the best fake smile I could mustered. That smile will be my Shield.
As much I want to run away and never look back. But I have to stay strong.

Though I wasn’t expecting any of the blows that my heart endured last 2 hours. I have to attend the dinner. It will look rude not to.
Besides I have make sure everything is going smoothly. Even after everything.

I’m not a coward. I’ll not run away.

I took his hand and pulled Zach with me. I went to the dining area. I sat on the chair and drank a glass of chilled water.

“Bonita, you alright?” Zach said with worry filled eyes. I nodded.

“Where is Lana and Mike? I haven’t seen them since we first met them here”

Zach looked at me giving a glare “I don’t know”

“When is dinner? I’m starving?” I said even though my hunger died long before. I just want to get over this dinner.
“Soon. Bonita” Zach chuckled. He suddenly looked at me and grabbed my hand.

“What are you doing Zach?” I yelled. “I never introduced you to my best friend. So come with me. I want you to meet one of the most important person in my life” he said tugging my hand. He started walking towards Ian. Before I could stop him.

Zach you are a dumb asshole. Why would I want to meet a person that I know so perfectly both inside and out.

Both Claire and Ian were standing in a semi hugging pose. He is telling her something in her ears hearing that she threw herself head back and laughed. Seeing this make me want to push Claire in the pool. Where did this thought came from.

I just want to protect Claire from the bastard.

Zach grabbed me by my back and practically shoved me to them.

Maybe they both saw us because they pulled away. I looked at Ian. He was looking at Zach. He’s jaw clenched and teeth gritted.

He used to do that when he used to be super angry.
“Ian I want you to meet Isabelle. Bonita this is my best friend Ian. Isabelle this is Ian” he said smiling. I just want to get out of here. I just want to walk out of here.

But seeing Zach so excited about me meeting Ian and he is so smiling genuinely. So I can’t do that. As much I hate to stay here I have to stay for Zach. He is my best friend.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Rodriguez” I said not so cheerfully .

“Likewise mi Bella” I felt a tug in my heart hearing that. People around me maybe don’t know the importance of that name. But hearing this endearment from him again made my heart clench.

“So she is the woman that caused ruckus in the media earlier today?” Claire asked Zach.

“I guess you could say that considering she is one that I came with” Zach said cocky ly.

“So who is she Zach?” Ian looked at Zach.

“She is a special person, pal” Zach replied.

“Guess she has that effect on people” Ian mumbled. Maybe it wasn’t for us to hear. But I still managed to get it.
“Let’s go. Dinner is about to start. You said earlier your were empty dying of hunger.” Zach said making my face red in embarrassment.

I smacked his hand making him hiss in pain “You like rough, Bonita” he said and Claire burst out laughing. I don’t know what’s so funny about it.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Wait a minute. What the.

“Zach. Shut the fuck up dirtmouth twat” I glared at him. My expression resembled Ian’s because he was also glaring at him.

Zach was laughing so hard that his eyes watered. “Zach let me find Lana and Mike. Liz and Adam are also with them. I’ll sit with them”

There is one head table. Where Ian and Claire will sit. And their relatives. Guessing Zach will also join them.

“You will sit with, Bonita. Go find them. Because they will be also joining us.” Zach said sternly leaving no space for argument.

“Yeah I have already asked Elizabeth and Adam to eat with us. They will sitting with us. I guess you can also join them” Claire said the last part like she didn’t want me there.

I looked at Zach and Ian. They were both looking at Claire.

I turned around in search of Lana, Mike, liz and Adam. Hoping they all would be together. Otherwise it will be hard to finding them.

Thankfully they were all standing at the bar drinking.

Lana was the first who noticed me. “Bells where the hell were you. It’s like you forget about us. How could you ditch us. We don’t know anyone here” she said making me feel worse than I already was.

“I’m sorry Lana. I don’t want to give any excuses but I there was a situation in the kitchen that needed my attention” guilt was filled in my eyes. Lana’s eyes softened.

“Okay but don’t disappear again” she said. Making me chuckle.

“You know Zach said the same thing earlier” I said and Lana turned around not saying anything about what I just said.

“Hey guys I have say something” I said taking all of their attention.
Mike raised his eyebrows Lana gave a look that stated what. Elizabeth waited for me to say.

“Okay here goes nothing. We all are invited more like summoned to eat at the head table with Mr. Rodriguez and Claire”

All of their jaws dropped on the floor. Their eyes wide as frogs. Not before yelling.

“What the fuck?” Believe me I don’t even know what the fuck is happening today.


Here's another chapter. It's a short chapter. From now on I'll be posting short updates. Last few chapters were long. But you guys had to wait long for that.

From now I'll be updating more but the chapters will be mostly this length or little longer.

Today's question.

What do you think about the bomb that dropped on Isabelle?

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Nectar 😊😍

Planning My Ex's Wedding Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora