Chapter 30

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(Isabelle's outfit for 'the date')

I don't know if I should go to this date. I know I should feel happy and excited that I'm going to real date after 2 years. Not those blind dates Lana set me up with.

But why shouldn't I go. It's not like someone's holding me back. 

Yeah right. It doesn't have to do with the creature name that starts with an 'I' and ends with a 'n'.

Whatever I over him. I should start getting ready now. Peter will be here in an hour.


"Hey Isa you look gorgeous" He complimented me and kissed on my cheeks. 

"You clean up good too" Peter Pattinson is a handsome man. With his dark blonde hair and muscular physique he can get any woman.

He is wearing a white suite. His hair is messy as usual. I'm wearing a maroon lace dress.

"So we should head out now" 

"Yeah, let's go"


He bought me to an expensive restaurant, which was quite expected. 

The restaurant was beautiful.

He led me to the table he reserved for us.

He even held the chair out for me. Till now he is because complete gentleman. I was being paranoid for no reason. Nothing is gonna be wrong. Maybe this date was exactly what I needed.

"So Isa, how have you been?" Peter asked.

"Great. I mean with the business is going good. My family is happy. My best friend is dating my other best friend. So life is quite great" I replied.

He took a deep breath. He put his hands on the table. Leaning towards me. "I meant how are you. Not your family and friends" My eyes widened. I didn't expected that.

How am I ? I guess that's the question I avoid. My family is happy. My dad is happy. My mom is happy. My brother is finally in college. My best friend is happy.

But I don't know how am I. I'm happy because of others happiness. But I'm not happy. I guess it's been a long time since I've been happy.

"I don't know Peter. I'm okay I guess. I'm happy because my loved ones are happy" I smiled timidly.

He sighed.

"It's because of him right?" My eyes widened. Is it because of Ian? I don't know. Am I unhappy because of Ian? I guess I'm. 

"I don’t Peter. I don't know. I mean it's been six years. I over him right? I should be."

"Look Isa. It's okay to feel like this. But you have to let go. Let go of the pain he caused you. It's not healthy. Let someone be there for you and make you happy" he smiled genuinely. His eyes sparkled with some emotions. 

How horrible am I ? I'm talking about the man who hurt me on a date with another man. Am I really that pathetic?

"I'm sorry Peter. I boring you with my old same sob story. You don't deserve that. Especially if I'm talking about my ex on our first date" he chuckled.

"You are not boring me Isa. I'm here for you. You were such a bubbly girl in high-school. But that girl is hidden somewhere. But I am here to bring that girl out of you. If you let-" 

"Hey man." A familiar voice cut Peter. I looked for the owner.

Peter clenched his jaw. He stood up. "Ian. What are doing here?" They pat each others shoulder. 

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