Prologue: The Attack

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New York
October 14th 2025
9:53 pm
36 Hours after "Fog"

Mia and Doyle stepped into their black car and shut the doors. The cool wind ceased to rush in as the two sat in silence. They simultaneously sighed at the recent events.

Mia sarcastically said, "Well that was a good use of our time."

"We know he's bullshitting," Doyle replied, "We'll find a crack in his story soon enough."

"Dunno, the FBI has been on this guy for a few years, and we can't even follow up on a lead on a suspected associate."

"We might catch a lucky break you know," Doyle started the car, the heat from the air conditioning soothing the cold skin.

Just as he was going to pull onto the main road, the soars of a plane's engine caught their attention. Mia looked in the rearview mirror to witness a large Boeing 747 hurdling it's way closer and closer.

Doyle began to pull out when the car instantly stopped against the front of another car, the screams of people grew louder as panic started to feed into everyone's minds. A bus was left abandoned behind them, their car was stuck.

The two got out as the plane flew lower, and blared louder. It chipped off a coupled satellite dishes as it flew faster towards its target, the building that was only about a block away from the agents.

Mia and Doyle stood in shock amongst the crowd, paralyzed from fear. The engines cancelled all other sounds; the cries and screams all subsided as the planes tilted sideways, and crashed onto the base of the New World Trade Center.

Doyle muttered a curse as the shockwave crumbled the glass all around them, knocked them off their feet. They were imminently enveloped by dust and debris, knocked out cold. Doyle looked around, feeling the warm puddle of blood he was resting on, he coughed as his vision slowly became more clear.

He saw Mia, a glass shard pierced through her left lung. Everything was blurry and fuzzy. He stood up, eyes barely working, ears still dysfunctional. 

He looked up at the skyscraper, it collapsed a couple of stories, sending a dust cloud up in the air as a fire broke out. He tilted his head upwards, to see the building descending on him as black smoke removed oxygen from his lungs. He turned and tried to run away, tried to outrun its monstrous path. Chaos and screams began to leak into his ears, yelling and shouting were all around him.

He just had to have a couple more steps, he could make it; just a few more-

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