(rq) Bail [ Dino x All ]

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Please try to ignore inaccuracies. I'm not a law student huhu T-T

I tried to follow the prompt as closely as possible.


This may be the only day where Chan's excited about a college project.

He's finally nearing graduation, and his professors have given all the students an assignment as a final grade.

They've been paired up with some lawyers in the area to gather information and make a point for their client. Of course, it felt a bit daunting, but this has been Chan's passion for a while now; he was ecstatic to start something like this off the bat.

However, what he didn't expect was the case he received.

It's a simple graduate project, correct? He would've thought that he would be getting some case for a minor felony—maybe theft or a settlement or something. But homicide? A hot topic in their city recently as well. The professor wants him to make a case for this?

"Chan. What did you get for the project for Professor Jung?" One of his housemates, Vernon, asks with the enthusiasm of a rock; but Chan knows that Vernon's excited for him. He's just really monotone regularly.

"Hansol, I'm doomed for," He says, pushing the computer into his friend's face, who winces away, eyes not entirely adjusted to the screen yet. But, once he reads the document, his face drops as well.

Vernon and Chan's ten other hyungs all work in the same field he's trying to get into, so they're painfully aware of this event; It would be difficult to make a case. "Can't you just ask to get a transfer? Like, get another case."

Chan considers it for a bit. Sure, if he asked his professor for another case, it would probably be more straightforward and more risk-free. Since he's at the top of his class, he would probably pass with flying colors. However, the thing that everyone knows about Lee Chan is that he's stubborn, very stubborn. The thought of giving up on this for a more manageable assignment hurt his pride whether he showed it or not—which Vernon clearly can already tell.

The older gives him a pat on his back as Chan stares at his screen with a hardened expression, full of determination.

"Hey, whatever works for you, man," He says in English, which Chan can understand. Then he walks away, presumably to his room.

"Yeah, 'whatever works for me'," Chan mutters, his confidence slowly fizzling down like flat soda. He sighs, pulling his hoodie over his head as he tightens the strings childishly.

Finding his spot on a bean bag, Chan piles himself high with pillows and blankets as he starts opening the case files.


Finding information out is easy yet tiring for Chan—maybe that's how all projects work. But the key points were obvious. The police work in this case was just horrendous. Chan didn't take any forensic-related classes, but even he could see the down faults of basic investigative procedures. He was floored, really. The assignment is much easier than he thought, seeing that they already have a suspect in custody and interrogation footage.

Chan finds himself unreasonably happy on the day of the project. He had some excellent points to mention and some pretty indisputable statements if he did say so himself. With his laptop slid into his bag, he slips on his shoes to get ready to head to his class for submission.

His hyungs join him not a second later, clambering around him with words of encouragement.

"You'll do well, Chan," Jeonghan mutters to him with a kiss on the cheek. He smiles brightly, feeling fairly confident in himself.

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