(rq) 100% Certain [ Boochan ]

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It's been a long time coming, but Seungkwan is now one hundred percent sure that he's in love with Lee Chan.

Seungkwan has never prided himself on his self-confidence. It's not his strong suit—that would probably be his sensitive personality, his voice, and his humor.

But if anyone were to convince him otherwise, it would be Lee Chan.

Chan is the sweetest, most charismatic person Seungkwan's ever met with a smile of rays of sun. And worst of all, he has a way with his words that inflates Seungkwan's ego so big that he feels he might burst.

Chan likes to wrap his arms around Seungkwan's waist and rest his chin on his shoulder. Chan also likes to kiss the tip of his nose and tiptoe to press his lips to the older's forehead. And most important of all, Chan is the most supportive person in Seungkwan's life, constantly full of encouragement and validation. Chan pushes Seungkwan forward when he's stuck.

After two years of this relationship, Seungkwan's sure about Chan.

"I want you to meet my friends," He blurts out one night over dinner, confident in his words to get the point across to Chan. The younger stops eating mid-bite comically, looking at him with surprised eyes as he wipes his lips with his paper towel. Chan reaches out a hand to grip Seungkwan's tenderly.

"Are you sure?" He checks, a sweet yet ecstatic smile on his face. Seungkwan nods, trying to match his enthusiasm.

"I'm sure, Channie." And Chan stands up from his seat and hugs him tight.

Yeah, this feels right.


Seungkwan only hopes for two things to come out of this interaction.

1. He hopes that his friends won't be mad at him
2. He hopes they like Chan

It's not that he didn't have faith in Chan. He just didn't want to jump into something with his friends hovering over his shoulder. He wants to do something by himself; he didn't want to be a burden when the relationship failed like many others.

Last night, he had hesitantly (filled with anxiety) invited all his friends over to his apartment. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence, Seungkwan himself is a bit of a social butterfly. He has many friends—very many. Eleven others to be exact, who flooded their group chat with excited and curious texts about "the announcement" Seungkwan would share.

Chan is busy cooking, humming sweetly as he listens to music on his phone. Seungkwan couldn't help but stare a little bit. His boyfriend is beautiful.

Knock! Knock!

They're here, Seungkwan thinks in a panic. "Chan, quick! Hide in the bedroom and do not come out until I'm ready to show you off! Okay?" He word vomits out, shoving Chan in the general direction. Chan only laughs whole-heartedly, a string of "okay, okays" leaving his lips as he hides himself away in their room. Seungkwan huffs, quickly running over to open the door for his friends.

As soon as the door opens, he's engulfed by Soonyoung and Seokmin in a bear hug. Everyone floods in to make themselves comfortable. "Seungkwan! Did you make this?" Mingyu says, taking in a whiff of the stew Chan had on the stove. "It looks great!"

"Yeah about that," Seungkwan says nervously, which doesn't go unnoticed in their room of people.

"What's wrong, Seungkwannie?" Jeonghan speaks up from his spot on the couch, legs ungracefully draped over Minghao's. Seungkwan thinks about how to break the news to them before his cheeks turn bright red. He was really going to do this.

"Okay! Okay! Didn't I tell you guys I was going to share something with you guys? Everyone sit down, sit down!" He nags, ushering them all to the couch. They all comply, now a bit worried of what was to come.

"Is it bad news?" Junhui pipes up, a concerned expression on his face, and Seungkwan shakes his head.

"No, it's quite the opposite actually," He explains, beating around the bush with his words. "I'll just show you."

Going to his room, Seungkwan grabs Chan's hand and flashes him a hardened look that involuntarily expresses his nervousness to the younger. Chan shakes his head with another one of his smiles, as if to say, "I'll be alright" and then they're off.

He pushes Chan out, their hands adjoining. When Chan is finally in view, Seungkwan can see Soonyoung dramatically cover his mouth with his hand. He can't help but roll his eyes.

"Everyone, this is my boyf-"

"Oh my god, Seungkwan! He's so cute!" Joshua speaks up, a smile breaking out on his face.


"What? Guys I'm not done speaking-"

Suddenly the eldest are in front of them, shaking away at Chan's hand, "Hello! My name is Seungcheol! What's your name?"

"And I'm Jeonghan. I find you very cute."

Chan smiles back, "My name is Lee Chan!"

"Guys, I really need you to listen-"

Everyone is now crowding around them. God, he knew this would happen.

"Hi! I'm Soonyoung and I dance!"

"Nice to meet you! Me too actually..."

"Oh my gosh! Channie, we're going to be besties!"

"Hi, my name's Wonwoo."

"Nice to meet you too-"


The room goes silent as Seungkwan clears his throat. "This is Chan and he's my boyfriend."

"Aw, damnit!" Soonyoung whines. "Why can't I find myself a dancer boyfriend."

Chan laughs at that and then the room seems to melt again.

"We're happy for you, Kwannie," Vernon says, patting him on the back with a nonchalant smile. Seungkwan sighs, full of relief. Thank god for Vernon.

"So, Chan. You were the one who cooked?" Mingyu asks after a bit, and Chan nods. They start talking about what ingredients Chan used and Chan explains that it's his grandma's recipe.

Seokmin comes up and squishes Chan's cheeks and pats his hair like a puppy. "You. are so cute," he asserts and Chan can only blush and say thank you.

Of course, Seungkwan is happy that all of this worked out, but now he's completely mentally worn out.

"He's still my boyfriend, you know?! All you single people can go find their own significant other!"

dino x SVT ! oneshots + requestsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें