(rq) Sick Day [ Dino x All ]

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Chan wakes up with a sheen of uncomfortable sweat and an unbearable headache over the horizon.

And all that Chan can mutter is, "God, not today." he huffs as he sits up, holding his head as if it would calm the ache.

He's panting. His eyes blur as he feels his boy heat up to an uncomfortable temperature.

He pushes his blanket off of himself, a whiff of cold air hitting his chest, knocking the air out of his lungs as he starts coughing.

"Chan. Channie, are you okay?" There's a hand on his back, rubbing up and down in a comforting gesture. But all that Chan can do is cuddle closer into the other, his head whirling too much for him to identify who it is. He lets out an involuntary whine from the pain in his skull.

"Oh god, Chan! You look miserable...," The pitiful voice reaches under his chin, bringing his face into view.

"Seokmin hyung...," He says barely above a whisper as the older's face comes into view. Seokmin only coos at him worriedly, pulling him closer into a hug.

"You don't look good, Chan," The elder comments before looking around for something, "Let me just call Seungcheol—"

"No!" Chan whisper-yells and he's met with the roughness of his own voice. "No... Hyung please. I'll be okay after a bit of sleep, alright? Let's just go back to sleep, hyung."

Seokmin gives him an unconvinced look with a tinge of sadness as he brings his hand up to push Chan's hair out of his eyes. As his hand meets the younger's forehead, his eyes widen and his hand immediately jerks away. "Oh my, Chan. You're burning up!" he remarks as he moves off the bed. "Okay, fine, I won't tell. But at least have some medicine before you sleep." Then he speed-walks out of the room.

Chan pulls the blanket over himself again, trying to find a comfortable position. "Oh, why doesn't it have to be during our tour...," He thinks, before his sight slowly fades to black as sleep overcomes him.


Chan wakes up a little later than he remembers setting his phone alarm to. However, his panic slowly fades as he reads the note on his nightstand:

Dear Channie! >-<

This is Soonyoungie~~~ Seokmin said that you weren't feeling well so don't forget to drink the medicine !!!

You look really sick and sad, so none of us want to wake you up for practice T-T don't come to practice if you still feel bad >:( Minghao WILL scold you and you WILL be sad. Rest up.

Mingyu made breakfast, it's on the table (heat up in microwave for a minute and a half!!!). EAT WELL <333!!!

Horanghae 🐯❤️

Your favorite Hyung <3 (?)
Please tell me I'm still your favorite :(

Chan sighs at the childish message, a light giggle slipping him as he pushes himself off the bed. His steps are wobbly, his feet and hands feel clammy and stiff with each step but he somehow makes it to the kitchen without collapsing (medicine in hand).

He's touched, really. The breakfast is good as always, but clearly, Mingyu's put a lot more work into it than usual. The presentation could've been one of a five-star restaurant. There's also another note to the side:

Eat well, Channie~ If there's anything left on this plate, Hyung will be sad :)
- GGyuGGyu!

Chan rolls his eyes at the note before digging in.

After he washes the meal down his medicine and water. His eyesight is still hazy and his headache is still raging, but he feels warm from the messages left by his hyungs.

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