First glimpse.

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It's summer in Yunmeng! And the lotuses decorated the ponds, as they gracefully bloom in the still summer wind. The city was busy as well as noisy-- yet a good kind of noisy. Young Jiang disciples were at it shooting kites and making bets, while the Jiang siblings were inside doing their own leisurely activities. Jiang cheng was busy listening to his Jiejie, Yanli, while she was preparing soup, and Wei wuxian was at it drying his hair and taking out water from his ears.
"I got a new outfit at that store today." Yanli says. "But I don't really know when to use it. I find it was too extravagant to wear at home."
"You can wear it any time Jiejie." Jiang cheng stated.
"Yea! You always look great." Wei Wuxian adds. "Aiyo!  it coming out from my ear!"
"You're going to be half deaf because of the water." Jiang cheng rolled his eyes as usual.
"What did you say?!! Jiang cheng!"
"See what I told you."
"Acheng, leave him." Yanli chuckled. "How was diving today?"
"It was soo beautiful, Shijie! And the fish looked too tasty. I should have grabbed them."
"Hahahaha. Axian, we have fish here in Yunmeng. There's no need." Yanli added. "So tell me, did you see a merman or mermaid?"
Wei Wuxian's eyes widened. "Are those things real?!!"
"No Wei Wuxian!" Jiang cheng stated. "She's teasing you."
"Acheng, axian. I'm serious. Mermaids are real." Yanli gave a warm smile.

"Really Shijie?! Tell me the story!! You would right?" Wei Wuxian pouted like a little child.
"Of course. But xianxian has to eat first."
"Ok Shijie!"
"How old are you?" Jiang cheng became annoyed, yet a bit amused.
"Xianxian is THREE years old!" Wei Wuxian winked and showed three fingers.
The pungent aroma, and satisfying slurping both diffused throughout the the room, while the trio were sitting and having lotus pod and rib soup together.
"Best soup!" Jiang cheng remarked.
"Yea Shijie. This is the best soup in the world!!"
"Hmm. Are you ready to hear about mermaids, axian?"
"Of course I am!"
"Ok well listen. Mermaids and mermen are always seen as beautiful creatures. They're nymphs of the sea. But do you know that there are cultivator mermaids, who kill water demons?" Yanli narrated. "They always protect with grace."
"Waaw! Shijie do you think that I will see one?" Wei Wuxian asks with curiosity. "Or best yet, marry one!"
"If that happens, you have to stop eating grilled fish." Jiang cheng added.
"Lol." Yanli giggled. "Of course you would see one some day. And it's considered as good luck to catch a glimpse of a mermaid or merman. You can also ask for a wish after you see the tail or hair, and it will come true."
"So cool!"
"Merfolk are very seductive though. Especially when they fall in love with someone. There's the siren type and the type that just plays an instrument."
"Now I'm determined to spot one!" Wei Wuxian said. "I'll wish that Jiang cheng wasn't so mean."
"Maybe you can wish for some sort of behavior."
"Take that back! I have good behavior." Wei Wuxian pouted again.

Thereafter their parents entered, and the trio greeted them.
"Guys, you have been invited to a lecture from the Lan clan in Gusu cloud Recesses." Jiang Fengmian informed them. "So you got to leave by tomorrow morning.
"Sure." Yanli cheered.
"Ok. I don't have anything better to do." Jiang cheng agreed.
"Nice uncle Jiang, but summer had just started. Why are they having lectures?" Wei Wuxian asks.
Jiang Fengmian just began to laugh.
"So, what's that supposed to mean? Summer is a season! Everyday is summer for you and your havoc!" Madam Yu exclaimed.
"Ehehehe." Wei Wuxian nervously chuckled. "Well, that means I should go for one last dive, before I encounter those boring lans!"
"They're not boring, they're just strict." Jiang Fengmian Fengmian said.
"Both mean the same thing to me. But I'll go, as per your orders, uncle Jiang. I'll be back."
"This boy. He doesn't stay put." Madam Yu remarked, then rolled her eyes like how Jiang cheng would.

There was a reason why Wei Wuxian wanted to go diving again. And that was to look for the ancient merman. But little did he know that merfolk are closer than he think. Wei Wuxian quickly reached at the nearby ocean, and took off his garments. Then he ran and dove in the water. As he's a free diver, he didn't need a snorkel or something else to make breathing more easy. All he needed was his strong lungs and spiritual energy, known ands qi.

The ocean was a different world for him. A world that's somewhat perfect, because it doesn't have things like malice, hate, jealously, or deceit. Life on land is good over evil, yet the sea world had beauty over beauty. Nothing to worry about. Wei Wuxian was thinking of how lucky merfolk are, to live here. All one can hear is bubbles and the waves forming from above. We get that he has a mischievous, noisy and crazy personality, but sometimes he cherishes peace-- just for some minutes.

Suddenly, behind a colourful school of fish, Wei Wuxian spotted a beautiful blue tail, that was the colour of jade.

However the tail was too large and slender to be a fish's

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However the tail was too large and slender to be a fish's. Then when he saw those perfect strands of hair, his eyes opened wide. But after Wei Wuxian lost it when he that the 'fish' had the body of a man. Due to going into panic mode, Wei Wuxian began to gasp for hair, as water entered his mouth. He closed his eyes, and the beautiful creature swam to him and placed his lips on his to do mouth to mouth resuscitation. After doing that, he took him to shore.

No one was there, but an unconscious Wei ying and a merman. While the mysterious creature was checking to see if he's breathing, he took a moment to take the strand of wet hair out of Wei Wuxian's face. At that first glance, he fell in love with Wei ying. So after admiring him, the merman sank his eyes and fixed his headband, then Wei Wuxian started coughing.
"Waking up." The nymph like creature said. "Must change."

Fortunately Wei Wuxian woke up, but was too weak to fully open his eyes. All he can see is blur. The merman grew legs, and now he's draped in a flowing white and blue hanfu, and he carried Wei Wuxian's clothes in his hands -- that he found on a nearby rock.

"How did I end up here?" Wei Wuxian wiped his eyes to get rid of the blur. "Huh? Hanguang Jun?!"
"Here's your clothes. Leave." He ordered.
"You're from that lan sect aren't you?!" Wei Wuxian laughed, then coughed.
"Lan zhan! Did you save me out there lan zhan?!"
"No. You washed up. Now leave."
"Why are you so cold, lan zhan! Anyways I know that the merman saved me, and not you." Wei Wuxian teased him.
"Merman? Ridiculous!"
"But what are you doing here, lan zhan?! Were you diving too? Boring people are into that? Wow!"
Lan zhan's ears just got red.
"Alright lan zhan. I'll be on my way." Wei Wuxian took his clothes, changed it behind a rock and left. But when he turned around, lan zhan disappeared.

But where?

All it had was the ocean....


Wei Wuxian went back to Lotus Pier, and reunited with his siblings.
"I saw it!!!" Wei Wuxian excitedly exclaimed. "The merman!! Well sort of!"
"You're crazy."
"I'm telling the truth Jiang cheng."
"Aww. What did you  wish for?" Yanli asks.
I was too overwhelmed to wish for anything. But now I wish to make out with that mermaid again. Mermaid, merman, whatever it is."
"You really want to kiss a fish." Jiang cheng did a facepalm.
"Not a fish. A mermaid."
"Wait, did you say again?" Yanli became astonished. "You made out with one? How?!"
"Actually Shijie, when I saw it, I became so surprised that I began to drown. As I closed my eyes, I felt some lips on mine, and my lungs filled with air. Then i woke up on the shore."
"That's sweet axian."
"But the strange thing is that I saw Lan zhan on the shore. He said that I washed up."
"Oh great. You saw Lan Wangji."
"Yea! I was so surprised. But then he ran me for some reason. He's so cold."
"Lol maybe Lan Wangji was the merman." Jiang cheng adds.
"Ew no. He will scare the fish away."
"Oh axian. Now go dry your hair again, before you catch a cold."

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