The inn.

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On their journey, Wei ying and Lan zhan were passing through a forested area, to get to the main city. While pestering Lan zhan with nonsensical topics, Wei drank some water from a canister that he kept with him. And Lan zhan on the other side was trying his best to avoid the drops of water that escalated from the canister.
"Yea Lan zhan, so I told her that I eat spicy food! It's a Yunmeng thing." Wei ying went on. "You should really start eating chilies. It will only sting a little."
"No. I don't like."
"Lan zhan, then how are you supposed to get someone from Yunmeng, huh?! Nevermind! We got to find someone else for you then."
"No need."
"So as I was saying! You shouldn't think about the spiciness! The pepper is evil, and it hears your thoughts."
"Wei ying. They're peppers."
"Lan zhan, will you kiss me?"
"What!! No." His ears became red again.
"You didn't let me finish, Lan zhan. Would you kiss me if we were stuck somewhere, alone."
Lan zhan's reply was a plain 'no', yet deep in side, he wanted to. Nevertheless he decided to comfess to Wei ying when the time is right.
"Haha, good good. We have to look for a way out. Not make out."
"And Lan zhan, we me a good te--" Wei ying tripped, and his water spilled on Lan zhan.
"Wei ying!"
"I'm so sorry!"
Without hesitation, Lan zhan leapt into the bushes, where he transformed into his merman form.
"He's afraid of water?! This Lan zhan is strange." Wei ying thought to himself. "Lan zhan!"
"Wei ying, stay there."
"What happened to you, Lan zhan?!"
"Nothing! Stay put!"
"Are you going to fight me afterwards?! If there's a problem, at least you can tell your friend!"
"That's the thing. I can't tell you." Lan zhan thought.
"Lan zhan."
Soon after, Lan zhan made his graceful tail morph back into legs.
"I'm here now. Let's go."
"Your clothes are dry? How? Wei ying asks.
"Don't worry about it."
"You and your lan techniques."
"You must be careful." Lan zhan suggests. "There are a lot of twigs and roots here."
"Hold my hand, and I'll be safe." Wei ying warmly smiles.
Time seemed to freeze when Lan zhan was reaching for Wei ying's wrist. Wei ying looked mischievous and playful as ever, while a shy Lan continued to hide his inner emotions.
"Hmm. Your grip is so strong, Lan zhan."
"So you won't fall."
"Hmm." Wei smiled again. "But why did we take this route?
"It's shorter."
"Shorter or longer, Lan zhan? Tell me the truth!"
"Shorter, Wei ying."

Thereafter, the both arrived in the village, while the flower expo was in gear. The air was filled with sweet fragrances as well as the streets were filled with passers-by. Then a playful Wei ying picked a white white blossom flower and gave it to Lan zhan.
"Your gift!! See the flower will match your clothes!" Wei ying grinned.
"Uhh. Boring."
"Let me put it in your hair! Pleaassee."
"Stand here." He gently stuck it near Lan zhan's bun. "You look stunning."
"Wei ying."
"Yea lan zhan!"
"There's the restaurant. Let's go."
"Hmph! Can't take a compliment." He grumbled. "But Lan zhan, I forgot to tell you that I didn't bring any money. So you eat. I'll be fine."
"I didn't ask you to bring money."
"I know."
"I'll pay for your meal as well."
"Ohhhhhhh, thanks Hanguang Jun. But you don't need to."
"I will."
They entered the inn and took a seat in the corner of the room, then a waiter cane to take their order.
"What would you two be having?" The waiter asks.
"Green tea and some veggie dishes. And some spicey dishes that contains meat." Lan zhan requested.
"Anything else, Gongzi."
"3 bottles of liquor." Lan zhan adds.
"Ok I'll be back with your food."

"Thanks for paying for the meal, Lan zhan. But I would have taken 1 bottle. I don't want to put you in expenses."
"Keep quiet. It's my pleasure."
"Omg. Hanguang Jun, you have changed. Or are you calling me poor!"
"I see!"
Some minutes after, the waiter served their food, and Wei ying emptied a bottle of liquor down his throat. Then while Lan zhan was gracefully using his chopsticks, Wei went ham on his meal.
"So good! But nothing beats the flavour back in Yunmeng."
"Wei ying." Lan zhan called. "May I ask you something?"
"If you find out something about me, would you keep it a secret?"
"Yea I will! We're friends!"
"Even if it's something bazare?"
"Yes Lan zhan!"
"Oho. Is it because of Mianmian?" Wei ying laughed.
"No Wei ying."
"Hmmm....ok. So Lan zhan, what's the plan? For today?"
"We'll stay here for the whole day."
"Oh wow!!!! Well order more liquor for me!"
"Speaking of relationships, I know that you'll get someone to love."
Suddenly Lan zhan remembered what Wei ying said about Yunmeng folk being impressed by spice tolerance. So he pit into a chili.
"Lan zhan! What are you doing! That's a chili!"
"Wei ying!" He coughed.
"Look, drink water."
"Are you alright?"
"You should eat spicy food more often. Or stay away from it."
"I'm fine now. I don't like spicy food."
"Awww, you have a runny nose. Poor you."
"Really?!" He then immediately wiped his nose.
"You're good!" Wei ying says. "You make me laugh Lan zhan!!"

Slowly, evening turned into night, and they were still having a conversation on various topics pertaining to cultivation and life itself. Then Wei's mischief switch turned on.
"Lan zhan."
"Guess that we're close at this point. Friends!"
"I don't need friends."
"Hey lan zhan, but we had lunch together! Obviously we are!"
"I guess you're right."
"Would you do anything for me?"
A hint of shock flashed across Lan zhan's face. "What?"
"Would you. Do. Anything. For. Me." Wei ying gave a mischievous smirk. Then lan zhan released a tiny yes under his breath.
"Awwwwwww. Then do me a favour!"
"What favour?" Lan zhan began to cold sweat.
"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend?!"
"Wei ying!!" He stood up, and grabbed his bichen.
"Lan zhan, I just want to practice. For Wangji! It will be pretence, I promise! No one will know."
"I'm leaving. Vacation is over."
"Don't go Lan zhan!"
Hereafter, Lan zhan found out that the door was locked from the outside!
"Why did you hesitate, Hanguang Jun?!" Wei ying shouts. "I know you didn't want to leave."
"Stay quiet! The door is locked!"
"Oho, you wanted to get locked in a room with me? How sweet!"
"Wei ying, you're not helping."
"Fine, let me see. How can they lock us in here? They could have informed us that they're closing early."
"That's not the norm. It's supposed to be opened 24/7."
"Hmm, well now we just have to spend the night here. Separate beds of course."
"Ok well let's talk for the while."


"You know they say, Lan zhan. If two friends or more are stuck together, then they must share some secrets."
"I don't have any."
"Everyone do. Laaann zhaaan, come on nah. Why are you always stiff" Wei ying whined. "My secret is that, I once used one of Jiang cheng's boot to catch fish. That time he went to visit his grandma, so he doesn't know anything! Don't tell him."
"I won't."
"When he returned, he was like, why does this boot smell weird. And I replied, what do you expect when you have fish feet." He laughed.
"You're naughty."
"Now lan zhan. It's your turn to spill." Wei ying poked him. "Lan zhan, eh lan zhan. Waangji. Lan Wangji. Lan zhan, you're hiding something from me. Hanguang Jun!"
"I love you!" Lan zhan confessed, and everything seemed like it froze into place. Wei ying however stayed quiet then started laughing. "Ahahahahaha, Lan zhan! I didn't know that you can prank! How dare you prank me, lol. Don't kill me."
"Wei ying. I love you." He said sternly.
"Enough with your pranks. I've had enough. I may die of laughter." Wei ying added. "Lan zhan, but you hate me."
"I never did."
"Make me believe that!"
Lan zhan answered by giving Wei ying a peck on his lips. And Wei ying on the other side felt a sense of deja vu. As if he had came into contact with those lips before.
"What happened?" Lan zhan asks.
"Nothing Lan zhan."
"I, think I love you too." Wei ying adds. "I don't know."
"Don't think to much." Lan zhan pulled him into a deep, passionate smooch, which lasted for a minute.
"Man Lan zhan, you're strong. You were longing for me?" Wei ying reached for the strands of Lan zhan's hair that carved his face, but Lan zhan lovingly held back his hand and caressed it.
"Mn." He nodded.
"Ahaha, the prestigious Hanguang Jun is in love with a troublemaker like me. How cute."
"Stop playing hard to get."
"You were the one playing hard to get, Lan zhan."
"You always chase me away."
"Your don't know the reason."
"Oh I know." Wei ying wrapped his arms around his neck. "You couldn't contain your blush for long!"
"Come on, tell the truth!"
"Fuddy duddy!"
"Wei ying."
"So honorable Hanguang Jun, what are we going to do?"
"About us." Wei ying concludes.
"Time will tell."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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