Chapter 10: Revenge

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Marcus P.O.V
I spent fifteen years in jail. During that time I thought about how I would revenge on Justin. He said he didn't call the police on me but I don't believe him. Mrs. Rose was asleep when I broke into her house that night and he was the only person I told so who else could've called the cops.
I desperately wanted to get back at him but I wanted to be smart about it so smart that he would be shocked to know that his little brother that he thought was brainless was actually very clever. I started to write him letters that told him I forgave him and wanted to repair our relationship.
When he wrote back accepting my apology, he started updating me on his life. He said he was in a serious relationship with a girl named, Tasha that he met in high school and he could not imagine himself being with anyone else. He even sent me family photos during the holidays and she was in them! My first thought of her was damn, she's hot! That was when I put two and two together and created the perfect revenge plan. I was not only going to make her fall for me but also get her pregnant so his future would be ruined.

I couldn't wait till I got out to put this plan into effect. I circled the days on my calendar in my cell and watched as they quickly went by. Say bye to your future, asshole because soon enough your girl would be with me!

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