Chapter 18: Family Dinner

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Justin P.O.V
I had such a great time at the beach with Tasha and Marcus yesterday that I decided to host a family dinner and invite him. I haven't told Tasha yet but I don't think she would mind. After all, it would be a great opportunity for me and her to catch up with him since he's been away for so long.

After work, I decided to stop by the grocery store. It's been a while since I cooked a nice dinner. Tasha and I usually take turns cooking dinner every night but things have been so crazy at the law firm lately that I haven't had the time so she's been cooking more often or sometimes we order take out. Tonight though, I wanted to show her much I appreciated her and show off my cooking skills to Marcus. He always thought he was the better cook in the family but little does he know that mom has been teaching me since before he and his dad, Paul came into our lives. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he tastes my Chicken Parmesan Casserole.

"Hey bro, got any plans tonight?" I called him while I was en route to Walmart. "Hey, no why? wats up?"

"Tasha and I loved spending time with you at the beach and were wondering if you would like to come over for dinner at our place tonight."

"Sure, I would love to! What time?"

"7 pm."

"Okay, cool. See you then. Text me your address."

I hung up and sent him my address. I then called Tasha to tell her.

"Hey baby, what time are you coming home tonight?"

"6:30 why? Are you planning a surprise date?" she said excitedly.

"Something like that except Marcus will be there."

I heard a long pause on the other end.

"Hello? Tasha, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here sorry I just thought it would be the two of us. It's been a long time since we spent some one-on-one time together because we've had such busy schedules."

"I know babe and I promise I'll make it up to you but I'm just excited that Marcus is back now and I think it would be great for us to continue to spend time with him. I thought you wanted to bond and get to know him?"

"Yes, I do it's just that I miss spending quality time with you. "

"We can do something this weekend. Don't worry."

"Okay. Well, I'm finishing up a task right now so I'll see you at home okay? Love you, bye."

Tasha didn't sound too thrilled about Marcus having dinner with us tonight but she'll be fine. I will plan the best date for us this weekend.

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