A New Day, A New World

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The world I had remembered was gone. I wasn't in my room, I wasn't even in my house, city or country. The world I was now in was drastically different. I found myself waking up outside, on the ground, somewhere I had never seen before.

I quickly pushed myself up and dusted my clothes off. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was as if I was in a forest, only, I was notably smaller. The grass towered over my head, dandelions were as tall as skyscrapers, trees were so high that I couldn't make out where they ended. The funny thing of it all was, the dirt was the same size, the rocks on the ground were the same size, even the bugs were the same size. It's as if all the plants had suddenly multiplied in size, exponentially.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't even think straight. Even if I could speak, there was no one to speak too. Stumbling around, I looked behind rocks, some of the large blades of grass, around anything I could look around, but I couldn't find anyone. It was only me.

There wasn't much for noise, if anything, it was too quiet for it being so large of an environment. I could hear the faint sounds of birds in the background, though I couldn't see a single bird in the sky. After a few moments of spinning around, looking for any signs of life, I heard a rustling sound off in the distance.

My stomach instantly tied itself in knots. I felt my heart pounding, my nerves causing me to shake. Whatever was in front me, I was certain it wasn't going to be friendly. Just when I was feeling faint from the nerves, my cat Felix strutted out from behind the blade of grass. It was as if it was just another day for him.

I was puzzled, but relieved as well, "Felix!" I gasped. He was a refreshing sight. I rushed over and picked him up. His loud purr was comforting. Though his presence was a positive one, it didn't replace the fact that I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten here.

I stood in place and looked around, "Where am I?" I thought out loud as I grasped my head with my one free hand in frustration and confusion. This wasn't home at all.

"Oh my, oh my, are we lost?" A voice sounded, seemingly from all around me. His voice was so cheery and playful. I looked around, but I couldn't see anything noticeably different than it was moments before.

I was more afraid now than any other moment in my life, "Who-who's there?" I called out. I wasn't sure where I should direct my question, because I didn't see anyone anywhere. My heart began to race even harder, making me lightheaded in the process.

Directly in front of me, blue smoke quickly began to billow up, "My apologies," the voice rang as a man appeared out of the smoke. He was thin, too thin, sickeningly thin. He was average when it came to height when it came to being a full grown man, yet he looked so young and sounded so much older. He wore a dark blue suit with a white collar that flared out. He was such an odd sight to me, "I forget that most people can't see me when I'm invisible, how silly of me. Might I ask you for your name?"

His casualness was a little unnerving, "My name is Keiko," I said weakly, "You said most people can't see you when you're invisible. What did you mean by most? And how were you invisible? And where are we? How did I even get here?" The questions flooded out of me. As soon as I asked one, another popped into my head and out of my mouth. All my questions were quickly dismissed by a whip of his hand through the air.

"Slow down child, what is the rush?" He asked, his smile stretching from ear to ear. His very presence was unsettling at best. There was something about the way he was built; it was so un-natural that it frightened me. Then there was his demeanor, as if everything is normal and none of this is odd in the slightest.

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