A Quiet Walk, Another Face

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After we reclaimed our senses, we started walking through the forest and back to the path we only earlier diverted from. It was just as calm as when we left it.

"So, only a few more hours on this path and were on our way home." I chimed. Looking down the path, it seemed to go on forever, there was no end in sight.

"I sure hope so." He replied, his voice was tinted with uncertainty.

"What's the matter?" I asked him. Something had to be bothering him.

"I only hope it's as simple as getting there and asking." It still felt as if something else was bothering him, but if he didn't want to share, I couldn't force him.

"All we can do is find out." I tried to sound reassuring, but I found that to be difficult.

The look on his face twisted a few times before he burst with thoughts, "Only, they kept warning us not to trust the Witch or the Wizard or even the Out-Worlder, but everyone directs us to them regardless. How are we to be certain of anything?"

I had to think for a second before answering. It was hard to explain to a cat, how complicated human emotions are, "We don't have all the answers, barely any really. Even still, we choose to trust them, and they believe the Out-Worlder is our only hope, and we have to believe they wouldn't send us to our deaths. After all, the witch was once like us, and he didn't kill her, right?"

Felix didn't appear completely convinced, but his expression melted a little, "I suppose that's true. We can only move forward and hope for the best."

We continued our walk down the path in silence for some time. It was an odd sensation, knowing that we had been in this new world for some time, yet the sun hadn't moved an inch. The clouds moved along as normal, the breeze and the temperatures varied, but it never dimmed or brightened. This land was in an eternal state of mid-day. The only thing I could think of was, that it must have been difficult to sleep.

As we walked, Felix held his hand in front of me, forcing me to stop moving, "What's wrong?" I asked him. I went into full alert mode. My eyes scanned everything, my ears strained to hear even the most subtle of noises, but in the end, I couldn't notice any changes.

"Do you not feel that?" His voice was in panic. Something was clearly wrong.

"I don't feel anything, what do you feel?" I focused my attention on him, he clearly had an ability that I did not. His face was mostly expressionless, but his eyes were wide open. I could almost see his ears perking up.

"Something is coming." He said as he started to grab my arm and pull me off the path. My stomach churned. The last thing I wanted was something unknown heading our way. It was in the heat of my fear that it came. A large blast of light exploded, temporarily blinding us both.

"Keiko!" Felix shouted for me. I felt his hand tug at my arm and pull me behind him. I was scared out of my mind, it was assuring to know he was there to protect me. With my free hand, I rubbed my eyes, hoping to wipe away the blindness. After a few seconds, I was able to make out shapes, then colors. That's when I noticed her, a tall thin woman dressed in all black. Her hat was ornate and solid black to match her skin tight leather dress. On top of the hat rested a large black flower tied down with a thin bow. Her skin was pale as the moonlight and her lips as black as the endless space. It was easy to see that she was once beautiful, though now, she succumbed to a shell of her former self.

"Who, who are you?" I stammered to get out the words. Once again, I was afraid in this strange world. At least I wasn't alone.

"I think you know who I am." Her voice was cold and soulless, yet seductive at the same time. Her nails ticked against her leather dress and she strummed her fingers across impatiently.

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