A Familiar Forest, An Uncertain. Fate

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She held her glass orb above her head. She closed her eyes and I watched as the glass started to glow, as well as rise above her, floating higher and higher. The glow grew brighter as we stood in amazement. The light eventually became so bright, I had to shield my eyes, less I get blinded. It was at that point that I felt it. I was beginning to feel the light. It was barely noticeable at first, but as the light grew, the pain did as well.

The blight came with its own pain, an every intensifying burning sensation, as well as the feeling of my bones trying to rip though my skin. The light, however, was an additional pain, one that felt like tiny needles pricking my skin all over. I couldn't help but start to scream and cry from the pain as I dropped down to my hands and knees, unable to keep my body upright.

Felix came running to my side, "Stop at once! You're hurting her!" he yelled at the witch, though she did not stop the light.

"Not much longer now, she must endure." The witch said plainly.

The stabbing feeling grew, however, the burning sensation faded considerably, and my fingertips no longer felt like splitting open. The light the witch cast was helping as well as hurting.

"There," She said as she opened her eyes with a smile, "the light will follow us, shielding us all from the shadows. It will also keep the Shadow-Blight at bay for a little while. This light is not natural and it will not cure you. Your deterioration to the illness will progress once again, and there is nothing I will be able to do from here on out. Consider this light battery powered, as it is using magic that I have absorbed. Once that magic is expended, we will be susceptible to the Unfamiliars, and your illness will almost instantly consume you. I only say all of that, to say this. Get up and run like your life depends on it girl, because it does."

I wasted not a second more. Pushing myself up, I rushed outside as fast as I could. Every part of me was in pain, but I had to push past it if I wanted a chance at surviving. Not a full minute had passed since she summoned the artificial light, and I was already starting to feel the burn of the blight again.

We ran as fast as I could, the others easily keeping up. I tried not to think of how long it took us to get through the forest the first time, as to not discourage myself, but I couldn't help it. We walked the forest for hours, though it felt like I only had a fraction of that time to get out. The bright mushrooms were starting to become significantly less dense, which was encouraging, as my chest was burning and my legs felt like they could give out at any moment. I knew there was still plenty of ground to cover, but any sign of progress was welcome.

All the running was taking its toll on my body. I was already severely out of shape, much less having to run with the blight ravaging my body. I slowed down to a brisk walk, it was all I could do to not collapse then and there.

"No, we can't stop now, we have to keep going." Felix demanded as he grabbed my arm and started to drag me to move faster. I knew he meant well, but my body was tapped out, I couldn't do more.

"He's right. If you want a chance at survival, stopping isn't going to help you." The witch said as she peered into the shadows, trying to find one of her monsters I'm sure.

Though I knew they were right, that didn't make me able to do what they wanted, my body has limits, and they were reached, "I just cant. I can barely stand as it is right now. My legs are like jello and my chest is on fire." I tried to explain, but Felix just kept pulling at my arm until I jerked my arm away from him. He gave me a strange look, as if he was both worried, and desperate.

"Fine. If you cant move, then I will move for you. Jump on my back and I will carry you." Felix turned his back to me and braced himself for my weight.

The Witch, The Wizard, and The Out-WorlderWhere stories live. Discover now