A Jaded Witch, A Burning Itch

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"That's a long walk." I pouted as I stepped off the elevator. Felix was right behind me, but quiet as I've ever seen him.

We mad our way down the guided rug that stretched all the way to the throne ahead. Only the quiet whips of the flames, and our shoes scuffing the carpet, made noises. The nearer we became, the more clearly I could make out the witch. She was just as she was before, only this time she was sitting across her throne, back against one arm and legs over the other. She knew we were here, as she was staring directly in our direction. Her observation was unsettling, to say the least.

As we approached the throne, no one was saying a word. The witch starred coldly at us as she rolled a glass orb around between her hands. She studied us up and down as she slowly shook her head from side to side.

I was getting bored of the awkward silence, we weren't strangers after all. Not completely at least. Surely she remembered why we were here. "The Out-Worlder has agreed to let you through the portal. You can take Felix's place, he's agreed to stay behind here." I broke the silence, someone had to.

The witch slowly lifted her legs over the arm of the throne and sat upright, giving Felix a curious look, "You just, gave it up. Just like that." She leaned in towards Felix, ready to hear what he had to say.

Felix looked completely uncomfortable, "Just like that, yes. I have much more to gain from being here, than being back home." He explained.

"So you will return the night right? We did what you asked." I was trying to rush things along, as my head was starting to hurt again, and the burning sensation on my skin was beginning to intensify.

"I truly didn't think you would be able to offer anything of value to the Out-Worlder, which begs the question, what's in it for him." She asked as she leaned back into a more comfortable position.

"Is it not obvious? He gets things returned as they were. This is the only way we can all re-" I was suddenly thrown into a coughing fit. My throat was insatiably itching. With each cough, my body pulsed with pain.

The witch observed me with amusement. As I was coughing, Felix was helping me keep on my feet, but she sat back and smiled at me. "You breathed in the spores," she proclaimed without any argument, "that means you have the Shadow-blight."

"The what?" Felix asked on my behalf. I knew something was wrong, but it was hard still, to hear it out loud, especially when I had no idea what it was.

"Shadow-Blight. The mushroom spores consume those who breath them in. Slowly, those who breath them in, become one of the creatures you, no doubt, have seen or have feared. Soon, you will become one yourself." She said Coolly as she watched me regain composure.

"Can you help me?" I managed to get out.

"No more than you can help yourself. The only way to cure yourself, is to bask in the rays of the sun. The light will burn away the blight. I must say though, it will be painful, and I highly doubt you can make it in time." She then kicked her legs over the arm of the throne once more.

"Then help me get out of here. If I become a shadow thing, you won't be able to return home!" I was in a panic now.

"We need to leave and start making our way out of this forest" Felix whispered loudly in my ear as he grabbed my arm and started pulling me back towards the elevator.

"Honestly, it doesn't sound like I need you, only your friend there, however, it would be far less dramatic if I were to help. All I can provide you, is safety among the shadows. It will truly be up to you if you can make it out in time." She then swung her legs around and jumped up out of the throne. Her robes were flowing around her, as if she was unburdened by gravity, or lifted by an unfelt wind. When she was upright and ready, she snapped her fingers, triggering shelves to emerge from the walls themselves.

Felix and I watched, awestruck, as she approached the newly revealed shelves and removed various objects, presumably her magical artifacts. She placed a number of items in her robes, closing the shelves with another snap.

"I cant leave unprepared, now can I. It's a shame I can only bring so few. I suppose it's all the same, since I'll be leaving this place behind after all, right?" She quickly turned her head to give Felix a very uncomfortable glare.

"That is correct." He managed to get out.

"Mhmm. Let us go then, some of us are on a tight schedule." She said as she gave me a quick wink. It felt like she truly didn't care if I became a monster or not.

We made it to the elevator at my speed, which wasn't too fast. I was feeling the draw of the blight taking it's toll. My vision, which was significantly better before, was now become hazy, my strength was all but gone, and the burning feeling was all consuming.

Once we were all three on the platform, it began to descend on it's own. The witch took this time to observe me closer. I had to say though, she was remarkably pretty. Her skin was smooth as silk, he lips were full, her hair glistened in the light, and her eyes, they were a very soft blue, but they almost looked lavender from the purple light all around. She was stunning.

After looking me over in silence, she grabbed my arm and quickly let go, "Oh, you are close to the end of the change. If you want to remain a human, I suggest you run, you run as fast as you can push yourself. I trust that your friend Felix and I can keep up with whatever you can muster." Her eyes were as serious as I have seen anyone, that alone brought panic to every fiber of my being.

Felix and I have each other the same worrying look. "We will make it, you just have to run." Felix tried to reassure me, though the witch gave a soft laugh in response.

The elevator seemed to be dragging as we waited for it to reach the bottom. My vision was fading in and out and my body was weakening even worse. I could feel the blight consuming me from the inside out. My mind was racing with what could happen if the blight fully consumed me.

Finally, the elevator stopped and we were on the base floor once again. I wasted no time and hit the ground running, as fast as I could anyway. Though my entire body felt like it was on fire, I pushed through the pain. As I ran, I could hear the others running beside me, easily keeping my pace.

"Almost outside." Felix huffed as he ran next to me. It didn't matter though. Even if we were out of the tower right now, we would still have to get out of the forest, and quick.

A huge part of me felt like this was all pointless, that I should give up here and now. I could feel my body giving up, my pace slowing, my vision cloudy and discolored, and my hands felt like the bones were going to rip through my skin at any minute.

As if sensing my discouragement, Lute shuffled out of the pack and back onto my shoulder. He made sounds that I could only imagine were sounds of encouragement. He even rubbed his furry little body against my neck and squeezed my shoulder with his tiny feet. Lute was right, I had to give it my best shot.

We finally reached the entrance to the tower and the doors swung open on their own as we approached. The bright mushrooms of the forest lit up the familiar darkness beyond. If nothing else, the fresh air from the forest was a refreshing change from the muggy air from within the tower.

"Let us pause for just a moment." The witch said as she pulled the glass orb out of her pocket.

I was getting upset that she even suggested such an idea, "We can't pause, even if it's just for a moment! I don't want to become one of your shadow monsters!" I snapped at her.

The witch stood with her ball in hand, unnerved by my outrage, "Calm yourself. I've decided to help you. Mind you, this does come at a cost to me, so you would do well to be appreciative." She sounded so casual, though I felt the time for my attitude had passed. If she was going to help me, then I was all for it.

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