Chapter 1 - Dreams vs Reality

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Okay so I'm lokey ashamed of this, but whatever. Anyway you know what ur in for and if u don't move along. Also the writing might suck but it's about the deeper meaning lol, I cannot deal with this anymore so enjoy...

P.s. please read my other story (my sister's suitor) cause I'm actually working hard on that

Ken walked down the stairs of a grand ballroom. He looked down at his friends, who were either laughing or looking at him weirdly.

That's strange, Ken thought to himself. This was a grand ball they were having in honor of Barbie's sixty-second birthday, so it seemed like not the right atmosphere for laughing at him. Ken brushed it off and continued walking down the large marble staircase. 

He caught a glimpse of himself in the golden-rimmed mirror hanging on the wall, and his draw dropped at the sight of it. There were all the colors from the rainbow on his face. Someone had put makeup on Ken while he was sleeping on the couch of the dressing room.

 It was not someone who knew how to do makeup because it looked like a unicorn through-up on his face. That narrowed it down as to who put the makeup on Ken. 

Ken looked back at the gathering and saw Ryan on the floor laughing hysterically, laughing out of the corner of his eye, looking right back at Ken. He fixed a death stare on Ryan and then turned back to the mirror, quickly trying to wipe off the makeup with his hands.

"Oh honey, let me grab you some makeup wipes," said Barbie, and she took out a small pack of wipes and began cleaning Ken's face. He saw Ryan get up with an angry huff.

That'll teach him not to mess with me; I have Barbie's help!" Ken thought with triumph.

"Okay, all done! Are you—wake up, honey!" Ken was confused. He was already awake.

He opened his eyes, realizing that it was just a dream. Well, a dream that portrayed an actual incident that happened just a week ago. Ryan was always playing tricks on him, like the time when he got Barbie's horse to shit all over Ken's bedroom. 

Soon he was going to get him back for that.

Ken rubbed his eyes and came back to reality, where he saw Barbie standing over him.

"You have to get ready fast. We are leaving at 10:30!" said Barbie. Ken looked at the clock beside his bed. It read: 10:15 AM. Ken pulled a clean shirt over his head and thought about the dream he had just had. 

He wondered why Ryan pulled all of these pranks on him. God, he was such a pain sometimes.

He went to grab his shoes from his closet, but he tripped over something. It was a magazine flipped to the page with an article about Ryan.

Ryan's Strengths and Weaknesses

It read. Ken had been looking for ways to prank Ryan back, but Ryan refused to tell the interviewer anything real. And that picture of Ryan. He was so goddamn perfect looking, his chiseled jawline, the way his silky black hair fell right into place, and his deep brown eyes. It annoyed him almost as much as his stupid pranks.

He finished getting ready and walked downstairs to grab some yogurt and coffee.

"So, where are we going this early?" Ken asked Barbie, who was sitting in the kitchen eating an omelet.

"I thought it would be fun if we did another reality show this summer, so I got us into this reality show called The Teamwork Show! We participate in challenges with our partners, and you're going to be with Ryan and—

"Barbie, you didn't think about telling me about any of this before you decided to take up all of the summer. When we do things together, which is a lot because we are dating, we make the choices together! I can't do this right now." Barbie and Ken had been getting into arguments a lot lately. Barbie would plan random things without his permission, and he just couldn't handle it. Of course, they would act like the perfect couple when they were with their friends or fans, but truthfully, they weren't doing too well.  But they had somewhere to be, so they quickly packed their clothing and left without speaking to each other. Ken was excited and nervous at the same time. Who knows what he'd be in for this time.

Kyan PepperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora