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I've legit been slaying these daily updates, dw I'll try to make it a habit


Ryan walked away from Barbie and Ken, he wanted to check out the rest of that amazing house. And of course he wanted to find the nearest mirror and check on his hair.

Once he reached the second floor of the mansion Ryan turned around to see Ken and Barbie behind him. Quickly, he ran to what looked like the room with the nicest bed.

"I call this room!" Ryan announced.

"Ugh, I wanted that room for Barbie and me," Ken pouted.

"We'll since you are partners you will be sleeping in the same room, so that solves the problem," Barbie said cheerfully.

Ken and Ryan groaned.

Ryan walked away from Barbie and Ken, he wanted to check out the rest of that amazing house. And of course he wanted to find the nearest mirror and check on his hair.

Once he reached the second floor of the mansion Ryan turned around to see Ken and Barbie behind him. Quickly, he ran to what looked like the room with the nicest bed.

"I call this room!" Ryan announced.

"Ugh, I wanted that room for Barbie and me," Ken pouted.

"We'll since you are partners you will be sleeping in the same room, so that solves the problem," Barbie said cheerfully.

Ken and Ryan groaned.

At least I can keep an eye on Ken and make sure he doesn't get any closer to Barbie, thought Ryan, and I can play some awesome pranks on him!

They both set their luggage down and began to unpack.

"So how's life?" Ryan asked with no interest.

"Dude, stop with the small talk," Ken replied.

"Jeez, Kennyboy, can't a man ask a simple question without all the backlash," Ryan was almost too excited about getting on Ken's nerves.

"First off, you are not even close to manly. And second, we both know that all of this," Ken gestured to the room, "is not gonna work. I know that you know that you are never gonna get Barbie, you're never gonna win this stupid ass show, and you're never gonna be more handsome than me!"

Ryan gasped dramatically,

"Wow, my feelings are hurt," Ryan said with a grin, "we all know that that last one is completely and utterly false. You wish you were as handsome as I am!"

Ken only laughed making Ryan feel slightly defeated that he didn't get under Ken's skin.

"Anyway, I'm taking the bed, you can get the cot."

"And where might that be?" Ken asked, looking around,

"Hey Barbie? Is there a cot?"

"Nope," she answered from another room.

Great, we're going to have to share the bed, thought Ryan.

Ken must have known what Ryan was thinking because he gave him a glare.

"No, no, we are not sharing a bed!" Ken stormed out.

Ryan just laughed to himself. As much as this was going to be incredibly annoying, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of joy at seeing the panic on Ken's face.

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