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Wow look at me posting two updates in one day. Literally have never been more impressed with myself. 


As Ken pushed open the big glass doors of the mansion he gasped and how beautiful the interior was.

The entrance had a huge spiral staircase with a long red carpet going from the bottom of the steps to the front doors. A huge crystal chandelier lit it all up making each surface glimmer.

Of course, that sight turned sour as soon as Ryan stepped through the doors. Ken couldn't exactly pinpoint what made him so mad at Ryan, but it definitely had something to do with Ryan's annoying shiny hair, and his stupid jokes, and his goddam laugh.

"Okay! Looks like everyone is here. Filming is about to start so everyone be on your best behavior!" Barbie said. Ken shot a glare at Ryan, he better not give me any trouble on this trip, thought Ken.

But, he knew Ryan and something was bound to go down.

"Cameras rolling!" Shouted a woman in all black with a headset on.

"Alrighty! Hello everyone and welcome to The Teamwork Show!" A man wearing a tight suit said, "I'm your host Randy Bravo and this show is all about working together. For the next two and a half weeks out contestants will be partnered up and forced to participate in activities together! The more activities they win the more likely they will be able to win the whole show and receive a special prize! So let's introduce our contestants,"

the camera panned to the rest of the group, "first up we have Barbie!" Barbie did a little curtsy.

"Next we have Nikki and Teresa! And we can't forget about Raquelle! And finally our last contestants, Ken and Ryan!"

Ken waved at the camera while Ryan ran his hands through his hair.

"You know I really think my name should go first, doesn't Ryan and Ken sound much better," Ryan stepped in front of Ken pushing him out of the camera view.

"No I actually don't think that sounds better," Ken muttered, pushing Ryan back. The next thing you know

Ryan and Ken were pushing each other back and forth until they both fell over.

Barbie gave them a hard death stare and whispered, "I told you to behave!"

"Well, um, that was quite the sight," interrupted Randy, "let's go to a short commercial break."

"You know I do think this will make the show far more interesting," Randy said after the cameras cut, "considering that you too are partners. I mean rival partners, that could be good!"

Barbie gestured for them to come over, still scowling at them.

"I do not want drama on this show, this is supposed to be a learning opportunity. So from now on when you're on camera you guys need to act like the best of friends. I don't care what you do off camera but on camera you are going to act perfectly. Understand?" She asked sternly.

"Yeah," Ken and Ryan said unenthusiastically. 

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