Challenge One

51 4 1

Hey y'all, long time no see lol. Sorry for the wait. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Also if you have any suggestions about the plot or my writing I'm totally open to stuff (also I know this writing is iffy)


Ken had finally calmed down and was sitting on the deck outside the mansion.

Maybe it won't be so bad, he thought, but he was kidding himself, he knew Ryan was going to play so many tricks on him.

Suddenly an idea popped into Ken's head. This could be the perfect opportunity to get Ryan back!

A ding from his phone brought Ken back to reality. It was Barbie telling everyone to come meet in the kitchen.

When he got there he saw cameras filling up the entire room. The host was being prepped by a makeup and hair specialist.

He heard the click of a button and saw the camera lights all turn red.

"Welcome back to the Teamwork Show!" It hasn't even been twenty four hours and we are already getting busy. Right now we are going to have our first challenge!" Ken held back a groan and tried to look excited.

"For today's challenge we'll start with something simple. Baking!" Randy turned from the cameras to face the group, "You and your partner will have to bake something ten cupcakes. You have one hour to bake and you must work together. When the time is up I will judge all of your different cupcakes based on taste and creativity. The ingredients you have to use are out on the table. You may!"

Everyone rushed to the counter with their partners, Ken walked as slowly as possible. He absolutely did not want to bake with Ryan.

He looked over and saw Barbie's face turn to him and give Ken a stern look. Ken sighed and quickened his pace, making his way to Ryan.

"So...what are we gonna make?" Ken asked.

"I'm thinking a plain vanilla cupcake, maybe some lemon and strawberry icing to spice things up," Ryan was putting on an apron and Ken did have to admit Ryan's muscular structure stood out in it, he was very jealous.

"I have literally never heard you say the word spice before. Am I seeing the real Ryan?" Ken said as he tried to contain a laugh.

"I like to bake, that's all," Ryan mumbled, looking serious.

The two began to make the batter and frosting and Ken could not believe that Ryan, the prankster who annoyed him so much, could be an amazing baker as well.

Ken watched as Ryan moved around the kitchen with grace and ease.

Ken was put in charge of stirring the batter, but he wished he could be as good at his job as Ryan was at his.

"No, no, no! That's not right at all, Kennyboy, you need to hold the bowl while you mix," Ryan tried to explain but Ken just couldn't get it right, "Here, let me help you,"

Ryan came up from behind him and grabbed Ken's hand. He placed it on the bowl properly. Then, Ryan guided Ken's hand to stir the batter until it was smooth.

"Alright, 40 more minutes people, bake!" Announced Randy.

Ken and Ryan continued together mixing and pouring.

Kyan PepperNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ