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Chapter 7: Confrontation

Splinter and the trio approached the empty vastness of the building as they cautiously looked around to see candles illuminating the place with shadows of the statues surrounding various parts of the walls and floor.

"Is it just me or does this place gives off a sense of eeriness?" Donatello whispered.

"Stay focus, my sons; for all we know this place could be a trap waiting to happen to us" Splinter quietly warned his sons.

Soon they manage to spot Mikey's T-Phone on the ground; Leo gently picks it up and looks around but sees no sign of their baby brother anywhere.

"He has to be here, he must be," Leo softly said, making sure no one hears them.

They look over to see the sliding doors that shows dimming lights on the other side before Raphael said: "I got a bad feeling about this"

Splinter approaches the wide doors to the judo room, carefully pulling it open before his eyes widen in horror to the sight in front of him. Lying on the jaded table like an death-bed, there lies Michelangelo; his body as still as stone, his skin was completely pale to the point that his green skin has almost disappeared from its original colour, his mask was gone and his nun-chucks were destroyed in front of the table.

"MUSUKO!!" Splinter sharply gasped out and rushed to where he lay.

Leonardo and the others eventually saw their little brother; their hearts sank at the sight of Michelangelo's condition as they rushed to his side with Splinter.

"Mikey!" Raphael cried out in despair.

"Mikey, are you alright?! Say something!" Leo pleaded.

Splinter touches Michelangelo's head and shudders out loud when he realises that the young turtle's skin was cold as ice.

"What is it, sensei?" Donatello asked out.

"His body is so cold" Splinter gasped out.

Donatello touches Mikey's hand and shoulders before he panicked: "Oh no, no Mikey! Please, don't be dead!"

The purple masked turtle rests his head on Mikey's chest within the shell and can hear the beats of the heart, he was still alive but only just.

"His heart's still pumping" Donatello stated.

"We gotta get him back to the lair and fix him up now" Leo commanded.

"But we don't know what's wrong with him," Raph argued out of fear for his baby brother.

Just then a soft voice catches the group by surprise: "So you finally showed up..."

The gang turns over to the sliding door to see Misaki Towa, alone, tensions arise within the family as they slowly place their hands on their weapons with caution.

"And here I thought you were never going to come" Misaki mocked the group before she glared straight into the angry eyes of Master Splinter.

"Hamato Yoshi...we meet again"

"Towa Misaki" Splinter angrily growled.

"My, my, you have changed so much since the last time we met," Misaki coldly giggled.

"What have you done to my son?!" Splinter demanded.

"Your son?" Misaki asked as if she doesn't know what he means: "Oh yes; you mean the failure of your clan"

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