Haunting Doubts

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Chapter 2: Haunting Doubts

An hour passes by as Mikey and Misaki keep on chatting to one another, they share stories and even jokes to one another. The young turtle soon finishes laughing from telling another story and chuckled:

"And that's why I never let my brothers cook; otherwise they'd just burn the kitchen down"

"Oh my dear, you sure do have a good sense of humour" Misaki giggled.

"I try" Michelangelo blushed deeply.

"So, your brothers, what are their names again?" Misaki asked the turtle: "Forgive me, my memory is not always the best.

"Story of my life" Mikey preached before he went on:

"Well like I said, I'm the youngest of the four: My eldest brother is the cool leader of my team, his name is Leonardo"

The turtle fiddles with his mask: "We all have different colour masks to show who we are. Like for example; mine is orange and Leo's is blue"

"That's interesting and very helpful to tell who's who" The woman nodded.

"My second oldest brother is Raphael, he wears a red mask, and he's mostly the brawl in our team" Mikey explains about Raphael then moves onto Donatello: "And last but not least, my middle brother, Donatello, he wears a purple mask"

"You and your brothers were named after renaissance artists? How strangely unique" Misaki looks at the young turtle with such interest.

"I know but hey, we like our names. Anyway, about Donnie; he's the smartest turtle I've ever met, he can create almost anything and plus he's a good doctor too" Mikey continued.

"So that makes him the brains of the team?" Misaki asked.

"Exactly" Mikey nodded.

"And what about you?" Misaki questioned the young turtle.

"Me?" Mikey quizzed as he tilted his head a bit.

"Yes, you; you said you're part of the team, so what do you bring?" Misaki repeated her question.

"Well I..." Mikey started but soon couldn't find the words to describe what he really contributes to the team.

He could say the awesomeness, coolness, life of the party, but deep down even Misaki wouldn't buy that as he tries to think of one but sadly he couldn't, much to his surprise.

"I guess...I guess I'm just there" Mikey shrugged as he smiled at the woman.

She stares at Mikey in confusion: "You're just...there?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess" Michelangelo nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Surely there must be something you bring that's valuable to the team, rather than just being there" Misaki points out.

"Actually, I guess you can say I do bring the fun to the team" Mikey then thought of something.

"Well there you go, you bring fun to the team" Misaki nodded. "And do they enjoy the fun you give to them?"

Mikey thought long and hard as it had been a long, long while since anyone enjoyed Mikey's humour and that was mostly rare in such occasions but now it seems that Mikey's humour is not something that his brothers enjoy much anymore.

"I guess so" Mikey just shrugged.

"If I may ask: Your family, what are they like?" Misaki kindly asked the turtle.

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