Patchwork - //Izuku Midoriya x Male!Reader x Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki//

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@Bryanna on Quotev
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[Izuku Midoriya x Male!Reader x Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki]
//Fantasy AU//
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"Come on Kacchan, we have to work together on this or else we won't get there on time!"

"Don't bark orders at me then, and we won't have a problem!!"

"You guys, keep it down, or we're going to alert the entire coastline that we're here."

Three voices bickered amongst each other, standing atop a wooden boat, sailing just shy of the north in hopes of reaching a small island that was inhabited by a rare flower bud called the "willowing wisp." It's said that it's a flower bud used in certain remedial mixes amongst doctors and alchemists, to which a friend of theirs ran out of the bud, but she didn't have the time to leave her post to retrieve more. So, as she treated the sickened people back home the best she could, these three lads all had their own reasons for going.

The first boy, Izuku Midoriya, an average-looking male who wasn't all too recognizable in a crowd, offered to go look for them himself, but had asked for a bit of help, just in case he couldn't do it alone.

The second, Katsuki Bakugo, an ill-tempered boy from the mountains who was less than cooperative most of the time. He was there because he figured Izuku wouldn't be able to do it by himself.

Lastly, Shoto Todoroki, a young prince who was rather good friends with Izuku, offered to be the second member to go search with him. However, he accidentally antagonized Katsuki into going along, saying something about how he "wouldn't have been any help anyways."

So here they are, three teenage boys who had no idea what they were doing, and somehow had hopes of accomplishing the goal they set out for. Though, their luck wouldn't last very long, as they heard a slight buzzing sound; it kept getting louder and louder, until they could barely hear their own thoughts anymore.

"Oi, what the hell is that?" Katsuki sneered, turning on his heel to face the creatures that would soon make him regret his words.

Hovering just above their ship's mass, was about three or so insect-like creatures with quick-waving wings. They didn't have eyes, and they were equipped with a long snout that held jagged teeth. Nasty little parasites that were called Wakers.

"What are these things doing all the way out here?" Shoto theorized, a stern look across his face as he readied his sword.

"They're only seen with highly trained hunters, so that must mean that we've got trouble pretty close by! Don't let them near the sails!" Izuku shouted, as he gripped the hilt of his sword and angled the blade. Closing one eye, he aimed, then launched the weapon like a spear, stabbing one of the creatures straight through the chest.

Emitting an ear-piercing shrill scream as it fell the the deck of the ship, the other two Wakers didn't even hesitate before setting their sights on the sails. These creatures were meant to rip, shred and tear any sails of pirates or sailers, in order to make it easier for rivaling enemies to board and overtake the ship and retrieve their prize.

"Damn it, we don't have anything to shoot them down with!" The two-tone haired prince didn't think he'd have the aim or ability to spear his sword like Izuku had.

"Right you are about that," An unfamiliar voice snapped, as the three looked over to see about five green-clad hunters. "So I'd say you'd have better luck surrendering, or we'll just have to kill you."

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