Chapter 9

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Hearing those words come out of her mouth, and seeing the wink and sexy sway of her hips has me openly gaping at where she just walked through the door. Shaking myself out of my stupor I rushed after her. Knowing what I get to experience after we finish all the bullshit mom left for us to do, has me rushing to get started packing. Once I'm finished with my room I make my way into Trishana's room. Seeing a note laying on her dresser I walk over and pick it up. "If this is is Tamara, go get Tristan. The only person allowed to touch my stuff is him. Tristan, make sure everything is organized and colour coated. Everything better be in the exact shame shape it was when I left. XOXO Love you Big Brother. Fuck You Tamara ---- Trisha"

"What a bitch." I muttered. Going around throwing shit into random boxes, not caring where anything ends up. Once I completely finish packing everything that is in the room itself I go into the small cupboard she has over her desk. Seeing the empty cupboard I'm about to close it as I see a small piece of paper sticking out of the side of the bottom of the shelf. Running my fingers along the crease in the shelves I feel a small divot in the wood, pressing down on the indent a small compartment opens up. Seeing a hidden shelf with a small box on it, I reach in and grab the box. Lifting the lid I see a stack of upside down pictures with a note on top. Putting the note to the side, I pick up the photos and turn them over. The first photo I see on the top has me freezing. My eyes start to water and my hands are shaking so bad that I am afraid that I will drop the photos, my heart is pounding so hard that I am honestly afraid it will burst out of my chest. "Oh My Goddess." Slowly I start flipping through them, I start to cry feeling as if my heart has completely shattered in my chest. Picking the note back up, I flip it over completely terrified of what it will say. Closing my eyes, I start to take deep breaths to try and calm myself. Slowly I open my eyes and start to read the contents of the letter. Once I finish reading it I fall to my knees and start to sob. After about 20 minutes my tears begin to dry and all I feel is white hot rage burning in my chest. Feeling my body start to shake with anger I slowly get to my feet, walking towards Trishana's most prized possessions, her electronics. Picking up her laptop, I bring it above my head and swing my arms down as hard as I can slamming it onto the ground and I watch as it breaks into pieces. I see her camera and I grab it, taking the SD card out so I can go through it later for potential blackmail. I then proceed to throw the camera as hard as I physically can across the room at the wall opposite me, watching as it shatters to my satisfaction. Still feeling angry I grab a pair of scissors that I see lying on her shelf, I go into her walk in closet and start cutting up all of the clothes I see her wearing the most. Every single piece of clothing in my line of sight, I cut and rip apart. Going back into the main room I grab a few boxes and proceed to pack all of the destroyed clothing into the boxes. Hearing some foot steps coming towards the bedroom, I rush back into the main sleeping area so I can hide the photos and proof of my anger. Right after I clean up the camera and stuff the box of photos and the note into a random backpack that I found, the bedroom door opened. Turning around I see Mara standing there staring at the broken laptop that I forgot to hide.

"Uhhh, What happened in here babe? I thought I heard a bang but I assumed you had dropped a box or something. Are you okay? What's going on?" Mara rambled, visibly getting anxious.

"Oh, well I was packing all of her shit when I lifted up a bag of her stuff there was a spider, and I hate spiders ya know and so I dropped her laptop that I was carrying." I stated, making sure to sound as blunt as possible and trying not to look her in the eyes so she can't tell that I am lying to her.

"You're lying Tristan Tobias. You said you picked up a bag, why would you pick up bags while carrying around a laptop in your hands? Plus, you were twitching your fingers and avoiding eye contact with me. Both are for sure signs that you are lying to me. We tell each other everything. Now you start lying to me? Right after we start 'seeing' each other? Is it because we have been acting like we are in a relationship? If that is the reason you feel that you need to lie to my face then consider me done." Feeling as though my entire body has gone through a meat grinder I try to interrupt, so I can find a way to explain myself but she just kept going on. "We can just go back to the way we were before. We can just be Tamara and Tristan the inseparable twins. We can forgot we ever kissed. I refuse to lose my best friend just so I can have a lover. I can not lose the only person in this world that I trust. So either explain why you have to lie to me, or whatever relationship we were starting is over." She stated, starting off calm before ending with her yelling with tears streaming down her face.

"I don't know where to start Mara, I hate to see you hurt and I know if I tell you the truth about what happened that it very well might break you. I can't stand the thought of you getting harmed, even if it is only emotionally. I don't want to lose the relationship that we have just started, but at the same time I can not allow myself to hurt you, even if it's not actually me that did something to you, I will still be the cause of the pain for telling you."

"Please Tristan, all I need is the truth, even if it does cause me pain, I need to know."

"Okay." I sigh, "I found a hidden shelf in Trishana's cupboard above her desk. Are you positive that you want to know what I found? Think about it love, this will open up wounds that I know haven't fully healed yet but were on their way to healing. I need you to be positive before I tell you."

"It is really that bad?"

"Honestly Tamara, it is worse than anything you could ever imagine. It makes me hate our fucked up family more than I ever have. And you know how much I hate this family and wish we were both born into a different one."

"Okay, I will think it over and I will make my decision tonight at the hotel okay? I trust your judgement." She said before giving me a small kiss on the lips. "Alright well it is already 2:30pm, the movers should be here in about half an hour. Have you finished packing your room and this one?" She asks, carrying on like nothing happened.

"My room is finished, I have a few things to pack in this room then I will be finished in here. Which rooms have you finished?"

"I finished my room, the kitchen, the living room, the weight room and I just finished the game room before I came in here. The only room left to be done is Moms room I think, I will go start that while you finish up in here then you can come help me."

"Okay Mara, I will be quick. I love you, remember that." I state as seriously as I can so she knows it is true and it will never change. I am silently praying she decides that she doesn't need to know what I found. I have a feeling she will decide to know the truth.
Honestly, I know she needs to know, I just hate that she will have to dig up all of her past feelings about the incident. At the same time I believe that it will help answer the question 'why?' that I know she always asks herself.

Hurrying around the room I toss everything that I see out in the open into random boxes. Going back into her closet I open her dresser, grabbing all the clothes I see and throw them into one huge box. Remembering that I saw a bin with craft supplies I walked back out to where I remember packing it and dig through the box until I find the jars of glitter. Grabbing the glitter I walk back into the closet and dump all of the glitter I found all over her clothes and stuff the rest that were in the closet into the box. Finally feeling as though I got a small amount of revenge that was owed, I leave the room and head towards my beautiful Mara, the most important person in the whole world. Walking into the room I see her dancing around, walking up behind her I grab her waist, turn her around and kiss her with all the love I feel in my heart. "I love you Tamara never ever forget that baby girl."
"I know you do Tristan, that is something that I never ever doubt. You are the one person who has stood by my side no matter what. You're the best twin I could have ever asked for. Even though we are becoming more than just twins, always remember you were my first friend, and you will most certainly be my last as well. Nothing could ever come between us because you are everything to me. As long as I have you by my side I know that I can do anything and I can be whoever I want to be. You're my rock Tris. Thank you for being you."
"Never thank me love, I am here because I want to be. I will never stop being there for you and I will never stop loving you. Cross my heart." I state, feeling an electric current running through my veins, staring into her gorgeous eyes. Knowing with absolute certainty that no one could ever compare to my sweet Mara.

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