Chapter 3

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Today I woke up sad. I mean wouldn't you be too. My parents left me at a foster home with no note or anything to give me a reason to why. My "boyfriend" isn't really mines and have a wife. I have no real friends. At this point I'm just ready to give up. Not to mention I'm now 1 1/2 months pregnant by someone who doesn't even love me nor show me any true feelings what so ever. I mean I know he has a wife but dang I'm suppose to be your other women, the one you could keep at least one conversation with, the one you could at least sit and have a decent meal with, the one that you could spoil to death and expect the same in return.

Wait what am I saying. This is the lifestyle I chose, but now I'm getting tired of it. I have a baby on the way which will take a tone in my life. I can't go sleeping around with everyone's man, that would be foul and not a good look for me nor my child.

I wouldn't want me and my wrong doings to affect my child. I don't want him/her walking down the hallways in school with people picking at her because of my stupidity. That's why I decided that I'm going to stop messing around with Hassen.

But with him or not, he still deserves to know that he has a child on the way. Might not be the best news to deliver to a man with a wife..... a pregnant one at that. But at this moment all I need is for all three of us to get along for the sake of our children.

Right now I'm on my way to Hassen's house to deliver the news. I know i know......why would you go the house that him and his wife share. To me, this child is more important than being caught at his house.

As I pull up into his driveway i see his silver Ferrari and I smile a little. Honestly, my hormones are all over the place but i hope I don't do anything that I would regret. I hopped out of the car and adjusted my long white short sleeved dress. I took a deep breath and walked on over to his door and rang the door bell. There came Hassen with a red towel around his waist complementing his wet lightskin. He looked good from his green eyes to his perfect body. My hormones were jumping but I had to do this time wisely and efficiently.

"Aaliyah are you fucking retarded. why the hell would you show up at my damn house knowing I have a wife. Now you being too messy you need to take to ass home and I will come when I feel like it. Who the hell gave you my address?" He said in a panicked way. I'm guessing his wife was there.

"Well I came here to tell you some very important news and I got it from your phone when you were sleep last week. But I guess the news can wait if your wife is home". I said trying to sound as brave as I could.

"Right now she ain't home but she will be in about 2 hours so you need to make this short" he stated a little calmer than last time.

"Can I come in"

"Nahhh that would be disrespectful, hold on I'm bout to put on some clothes come out. For now you can go to the backyard and sit at one of the tables". I was a little takin back by what he said but he's right I'm pushing it trying to come into his house and I'm trying to be better than this.

I walked out to the back and all I was in complete aww it was so beautiful and I just wish I could've had a house like this one. Moments later Hassen met me and just stared at me.

"Why you look like that" he asked me

"Like what, do I look bad?"

"Nahhh you just look like the sun decided to meet yo face" I laughed at his stupid remark

"Oh really, says the lightskinned nigga" I sarcastically replied we both cracked a smile.

" Nah but foreal doe why you here?" He said returning his game face which only made him look even more cute

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