Part 1: The protectors downfall

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(Dream POV)
"GAH!", I felt a tentacle shoot right in between my ribs just barely touching my soul but it was painful as hell. It was only me left who was able to stand up and fight, both Ink and Blue were on the ground unable to move and it seems as though i was soon going to join them.
"Well well well, look what we have here", Said a deep and distorted voice, i looked up and was met eye to eye with the owner of the tentacle, Nightmare. "DAMN YOU!", i screamed with tears flowing down my cheeks just before being interrupted by an intense throbbing inside of my soul. "Shit", i said to myself, after the impact on my soul it was starting to corrupt, i knew i needed to act fast but with Nightmare being here it was very risky. I decided to take chance and summoned my soul and was now holding it in my hands.

I could see the place where Nightmare had hit it and how the negativity was starting to slowly spread around my soul. I quickly started to fight back the negativity and so far had successfully hidden this from Nightmare but just as i had finished he noticed my soul. "Oh? Isnt that the last golden apple, or rather your soul", a sinister grin started to spread across his face as he grabbed my soul before i had any time to react. "NO!!", i yelled now having gained everyones attention, they were staring at me and Nightmare wondering what was going on and noticed that Nightmare was holding something in his hand. "Whats that?", Dust asked "Its an apple moron", Killer mocked "this? This here is little Dream's soul", Nightmare said as he clenched his hand around my soul tightening his grip, my eyes shot up in horror from the pain just before yelling out with a horrifying scream. He loosened his grip and i collapsed down onto the ground trying my hardest to reach my soul but i was just too weak. I was terrified about what he would do now that he had my soul i his direct control, tears still flowing down the side of my skull.

"Now that i have this i guess it is time to get rid of those two", Nightmare grinned as he looked Ink and Blue dead in the eyes as they tried to move. "Kill them", he said looking back towards me. I turned around only to see Killer viciously murder Blue as Error killed Ink. "Now thats what i like to see", he laughed sinisterly "The positivity guardian giving off negativity, how ironic", he continued to laugh.
"Now what to do with you, i cant kill you cause that wouldnt end well for me so how about i do this", Nightmare grinned whilst he held out his hand with my soul in it just as he used magic to cover it in purple chains, they clenched around my soul in the matter of a few seconds. The pain was unbearable and i screamed out in pain, it hurt so much i thought i was going to die so in the moment i said "Im sorry... brother...", Just before everything went black and i passed out.

(Nightmare POV)
"We're heading back", I yelled out as i picked up Dream from the ground holding him bridal style. "You're not going to kill him?", Killer said confused. "Not yet...", We went back to the base and whilst the others cleaned themselves up I went up to my chambers and placed Dream on my bed. "Wake up quickly, it will be a pain to take care of an unconcious skeleton", I walked out of my room and saw Dust walking down the hall towards the living area, i followed him down and saw all five of them seated around the table. They noticed me coming down the stairs and Error said "So Nightmare what was all that about?" "What do you mean?", I answered looking him straight in the eyes. "You know, that thing with Dream and his soul, Why didnt you just kill him there and then?", he chuckled before becoming serious and staring back. I sighed "Dream will most likely tell you by accident later on so im not going to bother explaining", I was already mad enough as it is, i didnt need anything else to bother me today. "I will be in my office, dont disturb me, got it?", i gave them all a death stare as you could hear a bunch of "yes" coming from around the room.

I walked back up the stairs and headed to my office to try and get some work done so i could hopefully get to bed early and just get this day over with. A few hours passed and i could finally head to bed, i had completely forgotten Dream was laying in there "still asleep... god damn it", i was starting to get mad again but decided to brush it off, i was too tired to deal with this shit right now. I went to bed and hoped he would be awake tomorrow.

It has now been five days since the stars were defeated, the multiverse is slowly filling up with negativity but Dream still hasnt woken up. He has been a real pain these past few days, refusing to wake up "its not like i did any major damage to his soul or anything", i said to myself. I had just closed the door behind me when i heard a loud *thump*, it must've come from inside of the room so i opened the door back up and saw Dream trying to pull himself back up on the bed.

(Dream POV)
I woke up in an unfamiliar place, it was dark and i could barely see. As i felt around me i realised i was in a bed and sat up, there was a faint throbbing in my soul and it hurt as hell. I tried to stand up but as i did i immeadiatley fell to the ground with a loud *thump* whoever this place belonged to must have heard that, it was very loud. I gave up trying to stand so i turned back towards the bed and tried to pull myself back up, as i did the door opened and someone walked in. I still couldnt see that well in here but as soon as they spoke i recognised their voice. "So your finally awake", the man spoke, it was now clear to me where i was, i was in Nightmare's castle. "I dont have time for you right now, follow me", Nightmare said grabbing hold of my arm with his tentacle, i was very confused as to what was happening, the last thing i could remember was Ink and Blue being... killed... a tear streamed down the side of my skull. "Stop crying idiot", Nightmare looked at me irritated as he gripped harder around my arm, i could still barely walk and he was almost dragging me along the floor. For some reason my emotions have gone almost completly numb, i could barely sense my own aura either, i didnt know why but what i did know is that things can only get worse from here, no one is coming to save me, they most likely think im dead.

'We' kept walking until we reached a door, Nightmare opened it and inside was a huge library filled with all sorts of book, he picked me up and walked down the stairs a few meters away from the door, down there they sat, the bad guys. Nightmare put me down and said "watch him for me, i have stuff to do" he gave me a slight push forward and i almost fell to the ground. I was spacing out quite a bit and didnt really play attention to what he was saying, the others seemed a little frightened so i assumed he was threatening them in a way before dissapearing. I stood i the same spot for a while staring at them before sitting down and leaning my back against the armrest to an armchair and closing my eyes.

So first chapter done, i removed a few things from the original one which id you havent read is in my book called "my weird Dreamtale obsession" the story is by the name "Nightmare's Pet"
There are some lines i wish i would have put in but i think this will work out pretty well.

If you didnt read the tags then you should know this is going to be a dreammare book, slight hints will most likely come in the next chapter but i will try not to escalate things too quickly, i wanna take this slow and give you guys a lot to read
Word count: 1372
(thats more than usual OvO)

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