Part 2: Revealing the truth

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(Cross POV)
We were standing there, in the corner, all of us staring as the skeleton who just arrived and sat down on the floor. "That was well uhm... interesting", Dust said backing up a bit "What do you think hes doing?", Killer asked before Horror blurted out "He looks pretty dead to me", we all turned to look at him but he wasnt there, he was over by Dream poking the side of his skull.
"What are you doing Horror!?", i exclaimed as i walked fast over there and grabbed his wrist. "What? Im only trying it see it hes alive", Horror pouted looking annoyed. "Well there are other methods for doing so", I sighed as i let go of his wrist and walked up in front of Dream crouching down to his level. "Hey, you okay?", The others seem it have gotten intrigued by this and came closer standing almost right behind me.

(Dream POV)
I was tired and closed my eyes, after a while i felt someone poking the side of my skull, nothing big it was just a little annoying until it suddenly stopped. I could hear someone talking in the background but i couldnt make out what they were saying, suddenly I felt a hand touch my arm and a voice seemingly talking to me so i slowly opened my eyes. "H- huh...?", I looked at the skeleton in front of me, he had almost no color except for his red eye and scar. "Are you okay Dream?", The skeleton asked, i remember how they had recently joined the bad guys, it was still unknown about the reason behind this cause out of all five he had the most compassion and was the most positive out of them. He seemed like a nice guy so i never really understood why he did it but he for some reason probably connected to why he joined had a giant hatred for Ink. "I- im fine", I looked down on the ground as i felt tears slowly creeping up out of my sockets. "You sure?", Cross said looking concerned but i just nodded in response but he could tell i was lying, the tears didnt help either.

"So Cross are you going to ask him anything interesting or is it just going to be your boring emotional crap", Dust said leaning forward over Cross' shoulder. "Well what do you want to ask him then?", Cross replied seemingly annoyed as he gave Dust a look. "Lets start with why Nightmare didnt kill him", Killer joined in the conversation giving a smirk "Do you really think he knows?", Cross answered him.
"I- I do...", I said looking away trying to not make eye contact. "Well? You going to tell us or not?", Killer said impatiently. "I- lets just say he cant kill me...", this was not what they expected to hear "what do you mean he cant kill you? Are you immortal or something", Horror said gnawing on a bone which he for some reason had. This shocked me, how did he know?
"W- well...", Now even Horror was intrigued and confused "your immortal!?", Dust exclaimed taking a few steps back. "Well yes but i can still die, i just cant die of age...", they calmed down a bit before i said; "Nightmare can kill me but at the same time he cant, its complicated", i probably made them even more confused by saying that. "Well then explain", you could hear a glitchy voice suddenly emerging from the background and the bad guys looked annoyed. "What are you doing here Error?", Killer pointed his knife towards where the voice was coming from and i decided to stand up and look in that direction before sitting down in the armchair curling up into a ball again. "I guess i could", tears streaming down the side of my skull.

All of them sat down in chairs around me, Error sitting in his strings as i began to explain. "So as you all know im the guardian of positivity", a few yes' could be heard around the room. "Well as there was one who guarded positivity there Also had to be one who guarded negativity, that would be Nightmare", I told them with a sad look on my face "pfft- Nightmare being a guardian, what a load of crap", Killer laughed, i chuckled a bit whith him "Well you see, the one you call 'Nightmare' isnt actually the real Nightmare, not the mind at least", you could tell through my voice that i was sad. "What do you mean?", Error asked curiously.
"You see, Nightmare is dead", i looked them straight into their eyes with a smile and tears streaming down my face.

"W- what?", Cross stuttered "then who is that octopus guy?!", He added, i have him a smile and said "a parasite, a being who shouldnt exist, the one who killed and took his body", It was painful to look back into the past but it would be easier If they understood our background. "Well how would you know this? What connection did you have to the negativity guardian?", Error said. I froze and stared him straight into his eyes as even more tears emerged "he-", i looked down onto the floor and curled up even more "he was my brother...", i looked back up to see their shocked expressions and i gave them a sad smile. "That still doesnt explain why Nightmare isnt killing you", Killer, the only one not phazed by what i told them said. "O- oh, right. Well you see, me and my brother had this connection, if one of us died the other would as well, his soul still exists which is why i am alive but even if 'Nightmare' is in control of the body he still shares the same connection, meaning he cant kill me without dying himself", I Said very quickly.

"That was... unexpected", Dust said as he tried to wrap his head around the new information he just recieved. That was when the door slammed open, and there stood Nightmare.

End of part 2, hope you enjoyed this, it was mostly to just give some information on the AU but i hope you liked it anyway :)

See ya next time!!

Word count: 1018

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