Part 3: Nightmare (Unfinished)

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(Nightmare POV)
I slammed open the door to the library and walked in, i saw Dream sitting in an armchair surrounded by the rest of the guys, Error was also apparently here. I walked down the stairs and gave them a glare just before standing right next to them. "From the looks of it Dream told you", I gave them a sinister grin with a slight chuckle. "Is it true?", Horror said pointing the bone he was holding at me. "You mean me taking the negativity guardians body? Yes its true", I looked down at Dream who tried to stand up but his body was still not that used to moving around so when he took his first step he immeadiatley stumbled onto the ground. "You should be careful Dream, we dont want you getting hurt", A grin made its way onto my face once again before i wrapped one of my tentacles around his waist "Lets get you out of those awful clothes", I picked him up and started walking towards the stairs. I slowly made my way towards my chambers so that we could get Dream changed.

As i was walking down the long corridor i felt Dream squirming in my tentacle and decided to grab hold of him tighter as to say 'be still'. He kept moving even after i held him so tight he must have had a hard time to breathe so i held out my hand and brought out Dream's soul and showed it to him, this Made him stop immeadiatley. I un summoned the soul and loosened my grip as to not accidentally kill Dream, that wouldnt be very good.

We arrived at my chambers a few minutes later, i slowly opened the door and threw Dream across the room hitting the back wall. "Dont do that again", I teleported in front of him crouching down and tilting his head up using one of my tentacles "Understood?", Dream only nodded in response. I threw the new clothes onto his lap as i turned around and leaned against the door. Dream slowly scrambled his way onto his feet almost tripping over himself in the process, i gave out a slight chuckle at this. "Having trouble?", I said with a grin on my face, Dream glared at me with slightly emotionless eyes before letting out a quiet sigh and standing up.
Dream started to remove his outfit from his body, i could tell he was still very wary of me, well i mean it was to be expected , i did Kill his friends after all.

First he took off the cape- wait- "Why do you still have that stupid cape Dream? You're had it for like what? 500 years?", i said but got no response, Dream kept removing the clothes from his body. *Tch* fine dont answer me, im going to burn it later anyways, a smirk made its way onto my face as i continued to look at Dream thouroughly as he went to the next piece of clothing.
When he was taking off his jumpsuit he hesitated for a second before sliding it off, only to reveal....

A pair of wings

They were quite small but big enough for him to possibly be able to fly, with the help of his magic.

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