#Note# - Discontinued

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Hello, my dear readers!

If you have been reading my other story, and read the note on that one before this, you should be quite aware of what I am about to tell you. (Also from the title)

Soooooo, this book is going to be discontinued, indefinetly, unlike my other story, I have simply just lost all interest in this AU which I have created.
I did make a few videos on my youtube channel (TheSourLemon, yes, such an original name, I know)

And as previously mentioned in my other note, I will not stop writing or posting, it is just that I need to actually finish something. When i do finish a chapter or a one-shot, I will be posting it both on Wattpad, and on AO3 (under the same name as my youtube), so I do hope you will be patient with me until I post next time.

I am currently in the works of a Dreammare smutshot, which I plan on posting at least before next year (just need to actually get past the first scene, which is 400 words btw)
Here is a small sneak peak of what I have written:

The skeleton started to shift as the cup was carefully placed back down onto the table, and a silent thump rang through the silence. The figure slowly pulled the blanket of their lap, as they started to stand up, the light shining from the fireplace gleamed gold on an object resting gently on their head, the sudden motions caught the attention of the others present inside of the room, as one of them spoke; "Dream..?"

That is all I will, show you for now (it is also as far as I have gotten- eheh)
And as you were probably able to tell, my writing has changed quite a bit since the last time I posted. I have completely switched to 3rd person viewpoint when writing, and I do hope you like what it has become, because personally, I prefer this a lot more.

Now I think I should round this not off, but before I end i would like to mention that, if you want to take up this story/AU for your own, you are very much welcome to do so, you can message me and I will give you the lore I had planned out, if you want it that is.
Since some people seem to have enjoyed this horrible shit I made when I first delved into the Undertale/Sans AU fandom, I don't wanna take away the opportinity to see it go on.

But if no one wants to take this up, I can always post a list of canon facts for the AU, if people want it, that is.

Anyways, this has gotten way too long, so I am ending this here, but until next time!
/Signing out, Lemon

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