Sugar Daddy pt2

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Prompt: title?

Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!reader.

Warnings: Mentions of sex - nothing explict.

Word count: 2888

A/N: Hey, part two, Sorry if this doesn't live up to your standard, i'm not doing great mentally, a lot is happening with my family as well. And I want to write these things to reduce my stresss not to add to it. Saying that, I have a small fic in the works which will be uploaded on my Wattpad and here, but I might not be posting a lot <3 Stay safe.

It was the next day, and you did just that. You ran a couple of errands before going there. Dropping off Lilly with Harley.

And finally heading to his apartment. His fancy-ass apartment. You pressed the button that was labelled "HOTHCNER" hearing a small buzz come from it. The speaker activated

"Y/n?" He asked.

"The one and only." You chuckled.

"Good." The door quickly unlocked, and you entered. Even the bloody lobby was fancy.

Taking the elevator which actually worked, to his penthouse suite. Knocking on the wooden door, it quickly swinging open to reveal Aaron in a tight dark blue polo top. Hugging his biceps and pecs perfectly this man knows exactly what he is doing. He also wore a pair of dark jeans.

"Come in." He smiles, opening the door to reveal his apartment.

His apartment was massive. It had an open-plan layout. When you first enter there was a couple of white sofas around a fireplace with a tv hanging above. Large windows surrounding the apartment. The kitchen was attached to the living room, separated by one a couple of pillars.

The kitchen had a massive island in the middle, with a built-in oven to it, as well as an extractor fan on the top. His kitchen had many of the latest fancy gadgets involved, somethings you've never thought existed.

"Wow." Is all that you could muster up. You looked up to Aaron who proudly smiled.

"Come." He spoke, walking to the sofa. He picked up a black box from his glass coffee table, "Here for you."

You took the box off him and examined it, "Aaron?" Yours eyes widen looking up to him, "Why does it have the words Swarovski on it." You gasped.

"You deserve the best." He hummed, smiling.

You opened the box to reveal a silver tennis bracelet, you gasped, it was beautiful. You fell to the couch perching on the edge of it, with the box in your lap. Carefully pulling it out.

"Here." He spoke sitting next to you, taking the bracelet off you, and hooking it around your wrist.

"Why- why did you do this for me?" You asked admiring the bracelet that was now hooked around your wrist.

"Like I said. You deserve the finest things that life can afford." He smiled, lifting your head up with his index finger and thumb and placing a kiss on your lips.

You interlocked with the kiss, cupping his cheeks. His hands wondered down your body stopping at your hips, he picked you up, you got where he was going and worked with him. Straddling his lap, slowly grinding over the top of his growing erection.

"Was last night not enough?" You chuckled into his mouth.

"No, I need you." He smiled, moving on to neck and passionately sucking on it.

"Good, because I need you too." You threw you head back in pleasure.

You both did it right there and then on his couch with the windows open. For anyone to see. When you dreamt of this while serving him last night, God it surpassed your expectations. He gave your more orgasms than you thought were possible, holding you close once you both were finished. Helping you clean up in the shower after, feeling as if you've done this so many times before.

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