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Me, Mary, Brian and Dom was all outside talking. "I said I have to tell y'all something."
I got of Brian arms and looked at them. "I'm pregnant" Mary screamed and started to cry happy tears. "Yessssssss my bestie is pregnant. I get to be a godmother or auntie" Mary said hugging me. "Ayeeeeee stop hogging her." Brian said trying to pull me away from Mary. "Shut up Brian. Let me enjoy this moment." Mary said. "I wanna enjoy the moment too" Brian said. "Ugh fine" Mary said letting me go. Go back to Dom that laughing. "Stop laughing Dom" Mary said hitting him. Brian kissed me and hugged me. I looked at Dom. He let go of Mary and came to me and hugged me and said "are family just got bigger"

Later at night
3rd POV
Brian was watching Mia sleep while me and Dom outside looking at the stars. "Hey Dom what you remember about your father?" Brian asked. "My father he use to um he use to have a barbecue every Sunday after Church. Invite everybody in the neighborhood. If you didn't go to Church, you don't get any barbecue. Every single day he was in the shop and every single night He was at the Kitchen table with Mia helping her with her homework. Even after she went to sleep he would stay up for a few more hours so he can learn the next chapter for the next day. I remember everything about my father. Everything" he turned around to Mary to see still looking at the stars about to cry. "That's just it. I do remember shit about my father. I don't remember him yelling, him smiling. To be honest with you I don't even know what he looked like. I don't remember just... he was just never there." Brain said. "You ain't going to be like that Brain" Dom said. He went back to Mary that was crying. "Hey what's wrong mamas?" Dom said Asking her by turning her around picking her up. "It's just my dad died on my 4th birthday and I didn't get to say goodbye. I miss him so much and I miss my brother but we don't talk anymore."  Mary said into Dom neck. "Shhh it's okay baby" Dom said rubbing her back. Mary fell asleep on Dom. So her let her sleep and continue looking at the stars for a couple minutes then went inside and laid Mary down but she didn't want to let go of him. So he laid with Mary on top of him and fell asleep. (Btw Dom knows her brother is Hobbs)

Next morning
Mary woke up having to throw up. Dom woke up to feel Mary off of him then he heard Mary throwing up. He went and start to rub her back. "Get it all out baby" Dom said. "Can you go get Mia?" Mary asked him "Yea sure" Dom said getting. I went to go get Mia. "Hey Mia Mary needs you in are bathroom" I said. "Ok". I went to Brian to talk about the plan and everything else.

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