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Mary POV
I ran out seeing Dom beating up Hobbs. "DOM STOP" I shout crying as he nearly hits Hobbs in the head with a wrench. He places it down putting his hands behind his head. Of course all of us got arrested except for the ones who escaped. I was put in the middle of Brian and Mia, Mia on my left and Brian on the right. While Dom was in front of me staring at me. I winked at him. I seen his cheeks turn red. "Ambush" Hobbs shout all  the sudden pulling over. "Let us go you need us"Brian said looking at Elena. "I maybe in danger but I'm not an idiot when it comes to criminals" Elena said.  I was already untied because of my past taught us how to do it. "Ugh finally I got untied" I said while everyone turned there heads to me. "What" I said. "How" everybody said but Dom. "Long story" I said. I rolled my eyes taking a pin that was in my hair. I picked everybody cuffs and I kissed Dom really quick.  I took my gun out and started to shoot people. I seen Hobbs needed help so I shot the guy. He looks at me with a look. I see Vince on the ground with a bullet in his stomach. "Vince" I shot. "Dom watch out for Nico for me" Vince said his last words. Dom pulled me in rocking me back and forth.

3rd POV
We made it back to the base of course with a plan for revenge. "Dom you can't be serious" Rome said. "Yeah I mean seriously we down a man this is impossible." Gisele said. "We are sticking with the plan" Dom said getting mad. Mary noticed so she walked up to him and hugged him. "Dom look at me" Mary said clam. Dom didn't look. "Ugh fine" Mary said putting her hands  in Dom pants rubbing her hands up and down on his dick. Dom looked down at Mary with his eyes wide open trying not to groan. "Calm down Dom" Mary said looking at looking at me. "We are doing this for Vince" Dom said. "I'll team up with you, after that I'm hunting your asses down again" Hobbs making Mary and Dom laugh. "Let's get it then" Brian said clapping his hands. 

Ex- assassin and a criminal Where stories live. Discover now