Through the Flames

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"Over there", Nate said, pointing towards a hole in the wall, although it was a bit high up, the three could boost each other up; Ella took the torch as Nate helped Sully up, Sully then reached down and helped Nate up, as it was Ella's turn, she threw the torch away as it soon died and quickly grabbed Nate's hand; as she was pulled up, the three immediately ran for it, the spider's chasing after them, the spiders were fast, and crawling everywhere, not long after, the three finally reached the outdoors, on the rooftop, away from the spiders

"Get it off, get it off", Nate said, swatting himself, Sully and Ella doing the same

"Alright, you two are clear, how about me", Sully asked

"Yeah, you're good", Ella said,

"You all ok", Nate asked

"Yeah, I think so", Sully said

"Yep", Ella said

"Alright, let's not go back in there", Nate stated

"I think that's a good idea", Sully said as Ella was quick to nod her head

"Come on, let's get out of here", Ella stated as the two men nodded their heads, re-entering the chateau, the three made their way towards the exit, only to hear voices

"Empty those cans...", a voice stated

"What the hell are they doing", Nate asked

"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out", Ella said, dropping down, and ducking into cover as she was Talbot's goons, Nate and Sully following after her

"Burn the whole place down", the goon stated

"Oh no", Ella muttered

"Sully, we gotta get out of here", Nate stated as Sully nodded his head, as the three attempted to cross over to the other side of the chateau, they were spotted, and the chateau was immediately set ablaze

"Crap", Nate said

"Time to go", Ella shouted as the three ran through the burning chateau; fighting the goons that tried to keep them near the fire, as they neared the front doors, the fire had spread fast, it wouldn't be much longer till the whole place came down on them; and to make matters worse, the front door was blocked off

"This way", Sully said as the three ran towards a different direction, only to find themselves on a staircase, below them was a raging inferno, all knew, the stairs wouldn't last

"Go, go, go", Nate shouted, as the three ran up the stairs, only for Nate to get his foot stuck

"Sully, cover us", Ella shouted as a few goons came down the stairs

"How is it that you get stuck in sticky situations, and I get hurt in the head", Ella asked, attempting to get Nate free

"No clue, just like you said before... curses", Nate teased

"If our lives weren't at stake at the moment, I'd slap you right now", Ella said, bluntly as Nate was soon free

"Thanks", Nate said as Ella nodded her head

"Let's go", Sully shouted as the three continued forward, up the stairs and onto the roof, there; the stone tower the two had entered some time ago was coming down, making the three sprint away

"Oh shit", Ella muttered

"Just keep running", Nate shouted, as the tower collapsed, sending the three to the edge of the roof

"Come on", Sully said, sliding down a drain pipe, Nate and Ella following; there, the two ran away from the chateau, and back to the jeep, coughing from the smoke

"Oh man, that was close, huh", Nate asked, trying to stay positive

"You guys alright", Ella asked

"Oh yeah, just swell", Sully said

"Here", Nate said, holding his hand out to help Sully up

"Gimme a sec, you two seem to forget I've got twenty-five years on ya", Sully stated

"Come on, Sully, you're strong as an ox", Ella stated as well

"Anyway, what's the hurry, they think we're in that", Sully said, pointing towards the still burning chateau

"We almost were", Nate said

"I gotta say, I'm losing the plot here, remind me again why we're doing this", Sully asked

"No, no, no, no, no, if you're gearing up for one of your "I'm too old for this", speeches, spare us", Nate retorted

"These guys are playing for keeps", Sully stated

"We know, quit acting like you're ready to roll over and die", Ella shouted

"Look, kids, I've had your backs for twenty years, I'm not going anywhere, obviously", Sully stated, "I just wanna make sure we're doing this for the right reasons; you two got your pride all tangled up on this thing, it's making both of you reckless, I taught you both better than that, gonna get yourselves killed",

"Sully... I'm sorry", Ella said, calmly

"I understand, this isn't easy with your mother in play", Sully said

"Oh no", Nate muttered

"What", Ella asked

"Cutter and Chloe, guys, if we were followed...", Nate began

"Then they were followed as well", Ella finished

"Ah, shit", Sully muttered

"We gotta warn them", Nate stated

"And get to Syria fast", Sully added

"I'll make a couple calls on the way back, I'll make sure we're on the next available flight to Syria", Ella explained as the two men nodded their heads, not long after, the three got back in the jeep and sped off.

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